
Has anyone really lost weight using a treadmill?

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I asked a question a few minutes ago on which is better for running and walking on a treadmill or outside? Now I want to know if anyone has lost weight using a treadmill. I really do mean literally like you watched what you ate and used a treadmill for exercise and nothing else. Thanks again!!




  1. People hate hearing this. Aerobic exercise is horrible for losing weight in comparison to Anaerobic exercise.

    You will burn twice as many calories in 15 minutes of Anaerobic excercise than you will in 1 hour of Aerobic exerciese.


    You will burn twice as many calories doing interval sprint training for 15 minutes (sprint 20seconds and empty your gas tank. then rest for 30seconds to a minute and do it again) than you will running at a constant mediocre rate for an entire hour.

    As i said, people hate hearing that, but it is the truth.


    when a high intensity burst of exercise is performed, the body burns more relative amounts of sugar, but burns more fat and calories AFTER the workout. This effect can last from 16-48 hours, where low or moderate intensity exercise has no after burn effect.

  2. You can definitely lose weight on a treadmill! Any exercise that speeds up the heart will in turn increase your metabolism which means you will burn calories faster resulting in losing weight at the same time you are helping your cardiovascular system.

  3. Not simply from using a treadmill, but I have managed to drop 50 pounds from pairing weight training (3x weekly) with cardio (mainly running on a treadmill 5-7 days a week).

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