
Has United States of America already lost it's superpower status?

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Has United States of America already lost it's superpower status?




  1. I would say yes some what in the last 8 years with our resources strung out all over the world such as troops. We can not be the policeman of the world.! Our Congress hasn't realized that yet of having us in trillions of dollars of debt and letting Companies have big tax breaks for moving (off shore) or to Mexico. Our dollar is so weak it is getting close to being worthless compared to the Euro etc. Until we (redeem) our self hopefully with a new President its best to See America First spending our dollars here.

    Doesn't China look nice with all the new tech. they have now in their cities when watching the Olympic games to where they were a (backward) Country just a few years ago.  They can thank the US or (you) for the money we have had to borrow from them and the interest we are paying back now to upgrade their Country and fast while we still are scratching our heads about alternate power sources. They are building a new power plant about every week, while out members of Congress just wants to bicker getting nothing done. We need new members in office at this election.

  2. Not even close!


  4. Yes

  5. NO.

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