
Has Having Children Ever Made Parents Financially?

by Guest64879  |  earlier

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I mean having 4-5 children, and then the mother and father can't support them any more?

Why do people have children if everything is so expensive?




  1. We have 4 and we are by no means living in poverty - we're middle class, but I find lots of ways to make and save money!

    We buy a lot of things (clothing esp) on sale or at Goodwill - if it's nice. We don't drive brand new vehicles - I don't even have a car payment! I put that $ in the bank! Our kids earn money babysitting, mowing grass, walking dogs, etc... and know how to do chores and cook (so they will one day be fine when they're over 18 and on their own in college).

    Anyone can over spend and squander what they have. My friend's husband makes more than mine, they have 2 children and they are always broke - we ALWAYS have $$$ in the bank. It's all about how you live and the choices you make. They have $40,000 in debt, we have none. Twice as many kids though - go figure! My kids all have $ in their savings too! I am teaching them to be WISE.

  2. well not all families that have 4-5 children can't afford them most can just some can't. My aunt had 10 kids and does not take a bit of help from anyone and they make it just fine.

  3. You're aware, I assume, that many of the world's major religions consider birth control a sin?

    Of course kids place a huge financial (and other) burden on their parents. But having kids, even if it means doing without, is also among the most rewarding things there is. When and if you ever have a child, you'll understand.

  4. We currently have a daughter and found out about 6 months ago that we are expecting twins... We dont own a house a car or anything else but the love we all have for each doesnt matter that i dont get to get my nails done or go shopping every month or even year for myself cause every day i get to watch her grow into an amazing person who i was lucky enough to bring into this world and when the twins come even though we will be strapped for cash every smile will make it worth the sacrifice...hope that helped....

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