
Half <span title="Life.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,.">Life.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,...</span>

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The radioactive decay constant is _____ days-1 if the radioisotope has a half-life of 431 days.




  1. t(1/2) = 0.693 / k


    k = 0.693 / t(1/2)

    k = 0.693 / 431 days

    k = 0.001608 1/day to 1 extra sig fig.

    I generally tell my students to carry one extra sig fig on intermediate calculations.  

  2. Let k = decay constant.

    The Half-life of a radioactive element is the time required for half of the radioactive nuclei present in a sample to decay.

    Let yo be the number of radioactive nuclei present initially, then the number y of nuclei present at time t will be given by:

    y = yo × e^(kt)

    Since we are looking for half-life, we wish to know when

    yo × e^(kt) = (½) yo

    Cancelling yo’s, we have:

    e^(-kt) = ½

    -kt = ln(½)

    -kt = -ln2

    t = ln(2)/k

    Thus, Half−life is given by ln(2)/k.

    In your case, since you know the Half-life is 431 days, we can solve for &#039;k&#039;, so

    431 = ln(2)/k

    431k = ln2

    k = ln(2)/431 = 0.0016082301

    [Answer: see above]

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