
HELP Every where I go 666!!!?

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OK call them superstious but I totally believe in them .. Plus this is so weird today I woke up at 6:06 and 6 am sec. I met 6 people an one of them has a friend who has triplets born at 06/06/06 AT exactly 6:06 and 6 sec !!!! !! What do I do !! OMG MY total points r 666 !?! oh no I have to get out of here !!!!!




  1. It's just like a certain model of car, you don't notice them on the road until you or someone you know owns one, then you see them EVERYWHERE all of a sudden....... LOL  

  2. Please stop watching the movie, "The Number 23".


  3. So are your points still 666 after asking this question?

  4. Really ur gonna complain just cuz 666 wow  

  5. lol

  6. St Nick (the REAL Santa and a lovely man all the way.) was born on December 6th...the original Christmas. Perhaps that is why he was changed to Santa and the Christmas day changed to December 25th. Nevertheless say santa claus with the right accent and you get Saint Nicklaus.

  7. lol wow bad luck

  8. Join a nunnery and good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Laugh at it! not a wicked laugh but laugh at yourself. It will help :) Having good emotions in your body will help :)

  10. O.O


    thats creepy, dude.

  11. First off, I'd like to disagree with the guy who wrongly accused the Bible of being wrong. The Bible is more reliable than all of human reason. !!!!!!!!!

    Just because you're seeing 666 everywhere is no reason to panic. As the guy did say, you're seeing it is nothing but coincidence (and maybe a little bit of looking for it).

    The mark of the anti-christ is 666, but that doesn't mean that seeing 666 some places means you're the anti-christ or anything!

    666 is to be the mark that the anti-christ puts on his followers when he takes over the world (I'm not being corny here. Just because someone says someone is going to take over the world doesn't mean that person is a crack pot. Alexander the Great, Ganghis Khan, the Roman Empire... they all pretty much took over the world...). He hasn't come yet, so no worries. Besides, I don't think that alarm clocks would count anyhow.

  12. It's ok... nothing will come of it. You brought up six (lol, make it 7) examples. That's quite a coincidence and you should be proud to experience it. 666 is just a number. The bible is wrong about a lot of things so you must assume that something as silly as labeling a number 'evil' is also wrong. The bible also says that π=3. That is not the value of π, so 666 must not be that value of evil. Perhaps it is approximately 666.14.

    If I wanted, I could come up with examples of 666 all over my life and the world in general. You're seeing it because you're looking for it.

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