
Good mag for 12/13 year old boy?

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I wanna good magizine to read and there's not many good ones I can Find..... Any Suggestions?




  1. Sports Illustrated or Playboy,  lol.  When my brother was 12 he loved both of those.  But I would say sports illustrated.

  2. Playboy! just kidding... it depends on what he likes...  here's a link that gives you a list of a bunch of magazines (some kid-friendly, some not) that you can choose from.  that way when he gets it in the mail he's not like "oh man... sports illistrated? dad, i HATE sports"

  3. espn the magazine and sports illustrated are good even though they are aimed at an older crowd. i subscribed to them when i was your age. if u like video games then game informer is good

  4. i get popular science. its got all the latest gadget and cool things to read about.

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