
Getting married out of a "trend"?

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I am 25 and naturally for the past 2 years my friends have started to get married. I am very happy for those who are truly in love, but I feel like some of my friends are getting married to keep up with the "trend." I am not married or engaged, and don't want to be anytime soon. But, I sometimes wonder if a lot of my friends are getting married because it is "the thing to do" or what? I've already seen a few get divorced! Has anyone else experienced this?




  1. It's soooo a trend. It's just so "adult" to get married, so when you're 25 you have to do it, because it means you've grown up. I mean, you've done the uni, you've the the graduation, you've done the moving into your own place, and now you have to do the wedding. Oh yeah, the big beautiful dream wedding! And the planning. and the choosing of the location. and the dress fitting. It's just so happening and you just have to write it all on facebook to show people just how much you've grown up! And the showing of the ring. And the sending of the invitations (of course you can't invite people via facebook...euuu, no have to spend extra money on proper let me see, how did the post office thingy work again? And where do they still sell stamps?)...and the honey moon? Oh yeah, oh well, after sending the invitations there is no more money for that.....mum? dad?

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