
Georgia...why is our state called Georgia?

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Ok, to avoid such confusion with Georgia the country, Why did Georgia the State get it's name? Why is this state called Georgia? The reason why I asked this is because some of the users on this site think that the State, Georgia is being attacked by Russian &/ or other Eurasian armies.

How did Georgia get it's name?




  1. Most likely named after George Washington.

  2. This state was named in honor of King George II of England. Around 1730 James Oglethorpe formulated a plan to obtain the release of people from London's debtors' prison and to establish a new colony, south of Carolina, to be inhabited by the "worthy poor" of London. In a Royal Charter signed June 20, 1732, King George II granted the right for the colony of Georgia and in February, 1733, a small group of settlers sailed up the Savannah River and established the colony. In gratitude to King George II the colony was named Georgia. (Reference)

  3. They named it after the country and named the name after the state

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