
Gas jumps to 5.00 a gallon?

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could this be the next senerio?did you reach for your wallet when you seen this question?tell the truth now




  1. This is the American Public's fault no one elses in the 1940 to present we wanted to beable to go when we wanted and where we wanted and not have to be held to a scheduled way of gettting from point A to B. In the 1940's you could still get to over 90% of all towns in the US by YEP you gessed it RAIL! Now your lucky if you can get to over 20% of all towns in America by RAIL. This is our own fault!!! We did not support it so the railroad companys removed it! Well now its gone and will never be what it once was.... If GAS goes up so will utlitis trash removal and everything else. I feal for everyone that drives to and from work over an hour each way to work. I ride Amtrak when I can and over the last 4 months its been very reliable and on time! Most of the trains have 110v outlets and WI-FI!!! And you don't have to go though all the airport c**p to go anywhere..... 

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