
For my presentation of Panama what can i show the class? i was thinking maybe a small model of the Canal??

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help!!? what should i show my 10th grade class? a model of the canal? food? pictures??/ creativity is best!!!




  1. Pictures of the local indial tribes, their villages, food and crafts...

  2. well, I will say that you can show a model of the canal. For example, I had to give an speech about the Panama Canal and one of the requirements was audience participation.

    So, I decided to use 6 people from my audience to be my Panama Canal :)

    As you know, the Panama Canal is a lock Canal. A lock is a structure that rise the water to certain level, so the ship could pass through it. In other words, The locks look like stairs.

    So, each person hold a paper(it represents the level of the water) and I used a paper boat( represents a vessel) :P, so I shown them how the ship will go through the Panama Canal.

    You can also present pictures of the beaches, sightseeings, mountains. In addition, you can find a video on youtube and show it.

    I hope that works for you :D

    good luck.

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