
For africans and african americans..........?

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are you guys proud of Ethiopians? how do you consider them?

why do most of you have special idea about them?




  1. Of course!

    Ethiopians have a rich history and of all African nations, they were never colonized during the European scramble for Africa. Because of this alot of Jamaicans and African people hold Ethiopia in esteem.  The earliest human ancestors were also discovered in Ethiopia, and date back 5.9 million years. Also, Ethiopia along side Rome, China, and Persia was one of the great ancient powers of the time. The kingdom of Ethiopia, also referred to as Axum, stretched from modern day Ethiopia to northern Somalia, Sudan, and Eritrea. Ethiopia (along with Armenia) is the oldest Christian nation in the world.  Ethiopia is also a land of great geographical beauty and so much more.

    As for Ethiopians, they have a very hard work ethic. They are very driven people and when they come over to the USA,  with their good work ethics---they quickly join the middle class. Education is also very prized by Ethiopian people---young and old.

    Ethiopia, also has quite a few universities and places of learning.  See this list,

    Here are more provided links on Ethiopian culture.


    If you want to know more about Ethiopian people, you should go to Ethiopia to get a better feel  for the culture, it's history and it's people.

    As for African Americans being proud of Ethiopians---I do not know and I do not really think about it. Some  like Ethiopians, some do not. But that's the way it is with any group of people anywhere in the world regardless of ethnicity.  And all the Habeshas I've seen and know are not subservient and pining away wondering if  people like or dislike them based on pre-made notions. People who do that are silly and ignorant.

    With American Ethiopians and African Americans, usually it's a big culture clash, but the African Americans that do get along with Ethiopians are always  sincerely Christian, hardworking , social people who are able to get along with mostly anyone.  At least this is what I have seen (as a person of Ethio descent)  with other Ethio people coming to the USA now. I have friends from a diverse group of people: African Americans, Dominicans, Habeshas, English, German, Mexican and Chinese. But friendship,  is based on personalities you like not nationality.

    As for Ethiopians feeling special, DARN RIGHT I feel special about myself. Everyday, I'm happy to be who I am, and I would never want to be anyone else.

    I like being who God made me, and more people should have self esteem about who they are.

  2. I see Ethiopians as people, why would there be special instruction or treatment for a different culture?

  3. Are you referring to the fact the Ethiopians (along w/ Egyptians) are mentioned in the Bible and are located in Africa? I am proud of the Ethiopian Eunuch for taking a stand and deciding to get baptized after learning about the Christ, but I don't think of Ethiopians as a people that are different from anyone else.

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