
Eng to Afrik translation (130 words) - Best answer!?

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The advert I have chosen promotes the product, Captain Morgan. The advert is about a man who goes to a bar with his friends instead of going to a party with his girlfriend, however he tells her he is sick so he can’t go to her party… One can only imagine what happens next! The advert uses humour to engage and get the audiences attention.

I personally believe this is the funniest advert in the world! It sends out a message that if you drink “Captain Morgan” you will have fun like the man in the advert. The phrase they use to promote the product is; “Is there a little Captain in you?” I overall think the advert is effective because it relates to how we sometimes don’t want to do something, so we come up with an excuse to get out of doing it.




  1. FSGNE

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