
Embarrassing Cute or Funny Nicknames for Girlfriends/friends?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, So a friend of mine is writing a story. In the story this guy the main girl knows calls her some sort of nickname (cute,funny,embarrassing) that when her friends find out about it they sorta think its cute but they laugh at it as well... I kinda am hoping that my friend can come up with a story as to why he calls her that. So if you have a suggestion then please tell me ^^ but please try and make sure it will be a little possible to come up with a story behind it

Thanks alot!! ^^





  1. how about "f*g?"

  2. Well my boyfriend calls me smelly, sweety and whoreish mouth. haha.


  3. how about "my little squirrel?"  

  4. puddin ****

  5. Sugar t!ts

    pumpkin t!ts

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