
Dumpster diving for free PowerAde coupons?

by  |  earlier

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There is a coupon in the sunday paper that is $1 off any PowerAde. By combining this with the special at Walgreens, it will add up to be free. Is it worth it for me to go around the neighborhood and 'dumpster dive' into recycling bins for more sunday ad coupons?




  1. Or, you could just go to peoples doors and ask if you can have their Sunday papers still.

  2. If you have any money to buy poweraide, no. If you don't have money to buy it, yes.

  3. if you feel like powerade is reallu worth going through everyones disgusting trash then sure go ahead

  4. If that's what you want to do, then hop on in. I'd have to consider how much money you would spend on water and soap. Does it add up?

  5. G00d luck in the dumpster...

  6. You must really love power aid....good Lord ! will definitely leave an impression with your might want to lose the tux beforehand...

  7. Totally worth it, in my opinion.  Recycling bins are very clean and well placed in most cities and saving money is always great!  Good luck finding lots of coupons.

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