
Dr kamal karna story ?

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  1. Re: misc issues: obama birth on planet earth under review of laws of u s constitutionocal News: Sneedville, TN: 9. 24. 2009.13 e: ISSUE : MISC: 9.13.2009: LAHORE pAKISTAN ::e:   Local News: Sneedville, TN ::9.12.2009:ISSUES MISC::Local News: Sneedville, TN e: Re9.11.09:misc issues: 9:.1   0.2009 :MISC ISSUES: 0.2009 :MISC ISSUES  : NY 9 9 2009 :                      OT misc issues :::9.9. 2009 new york  issues & below noted facts:::new york city, usa: 9.9.2009: R20. 2009,but a smart violator of laws evaded the issue illegally to prove otherwise, complained dr kamal roy, dr roy yet on 8.23 .2009 claimed his bonafied claim to be us president wef 1.20. 2009 on the context that the great b h Obama virtually stole the u s presidential position , as was alleged in a situation that occured in Iran recently, said dr roy  , story of struggling presidential candidate, not ever retired hope to be the legal president of usa wef 1. 20 2009, other candidates retired their hopes except  dr kamal k k roy and accused anTOP democratic world news of decaying ethics in democracies in "PEOPLE" including in USA:  rev dr kamal karna k roy aka jg jr moved to u s supreme  Court@ washington d c : issue: recording ofale and illegal chilren_ data in booksof records @ state of California m j kids: @ state of hawaii fro the hon barrack hussain Obama, de facto & on default,ever U S president in history of usa::: see below:: cc to u s dept of justice; uno,nyc ny:: to whom it may concrn. cc to all concerned incl:::misc/s in usa,both regular, conventional, human_god/sentioal God/s world wide & in usa::dataourtsc: Subject: 9.5.2009 USA :: DR.michael m Jackson , d. d ( world religions school & university of god/s, people, divininity, democracy et al....etc world wide including new york   york,was buried  in los angeles, California , usa , with talent and deficits @ character, of his tenured life till 25 june 2009;It  is now, for review by people, world wide, fans, critics for his talent in vocal music et al, & deficits in his personal charater in severe scrutiny of usdc, circuit courts, u s supreme court , washington d c & int'l court of justice at hague for his alleged & suspected abuses in life, in long established family values, perjury with state of california for his faked presumptions of 2 pure caucasian kids  to have been male parented by him (MJ), he lied,lied to enslave 2 w/kids & abuse them & for way making illicitly democratic systems in  usa & world. m j was not blind if life but was erratic & violators of laws to serve all purposes,including evils many, to defunct the established system @ usa & outsource USA. The said kids were not legally adopted by M J as m j , debbie rowe ex jackson o the m j clan now living tried to fool people as if kids viz prince & Paris were no Jacjsons  either biologically or legal adoions, Mj and hs xtende family and associates wanted crime, in matter to hie as if true; court actions were filed in variou jurisdicion of laws where estate of late m j do biness to lequidate hundreds o millions earned, assessed to go to estate of mj /0 l a county clerk asa mj's indecent actions could not bewlegalized in USDA For crimes  arousing civil violations , the assets needed to be siezed to replnshed  for  losses to u s society for illegal conducts of m jin life to influence millions to billions of fans of late mj. in democracy:HER ISSUES  misc issues :::9.9. 2009 new york  ::knew yMU Blogsmisc issues & below noted facts:::new york city, usa: 9.9.2009: R20. 2009,but a smart violator of laws evaded the issue illegally to prove otherwise, complained dr kamal roy, dr roy yet on 8.23 .2009 claimed his bonafied claim to be us president wef 1.20. 2009 on the context that the great b h Obama virtuallyu stole the u s presidential position , as was alleged in a situation that occured in Iran recently, said dr roy  , story of struggling presidential candidate, not ever retired hope to be the legal president of usa wef 1. 20 2009, other candidates retired their hopes except  dr kamal k k roy and accused anTOP democratic world news of decaying ethics in democracies in "PEOPLE" including in USAe: misc issues including motion to sc of us for prayer to file writ of certiorariusdthe rev dr kamal karna k roy aka jg jr moved to u s supreme  Court@ washington d c : issue: recording ofale and illegal chilren_ data in booksof records @ state of California m j kids: @ state of hawaii fro the hon barrack hussain Obama, de facto & on default,ever U S president in history of usa::: see below:: cc to u s dept of justice; uno,nyc ny:: to whom it may concrn. cc to all concerned incl:::misc/s in usa,both regular, conventional, human_god/sentioal God/s world wide & in usa::dataourtsc: Subject: 9.5.2009 USA :: DR.michael m Jackson , d. d ( world religions school & university of god/s, people, divininity, democracy et al....etc world wide including new york   york,was buried  in los angeles, California , usa , with talent and deficits @ character, of his tenured life till 25 june 2009;It  is now, for review by people, world wide, fans, critics for his talent in vocal music et al, & deficits in his personal charater in severe scrutiny of usdc, circuit courts, u s supreme court , washington d c & int'l court of justice at hague for his alleged & suspected abuses in life, in long established family values, perjury with state of california for his faked presumptions of 2 pure caucasian kids  to have been male parented by him (MJ), he lied,lied to enslave 2 w/kids & abuse them & for way making illicitly democratic systems in  usa & world. m j was not blind if life but was erratic & violators of laws to serve all purposes,including evils many, to defunct the established system @ usa & outsource USA. The said kids were not legally adopted by M J as m j , debbie rowe ex jackson o the m j clan now living tried to fool people as if kids viz prince & Paris were no Jacjsons  either biologically or legal adoions, Mj and hs xtende family and associates wanted crime, in matter to hie as if true; court actions were filed in variou jurisdicion of laws where estate of late m j do biness to lequidate hundreds o millions earned, assessed to go to estate of mj /0 l a county clerkasa mj's indecent actions could not bewlegalized in USDA For crimes  arousing civil violations , the assets needed to be siezed to replnshed  for  losses to u s society for illegal conducts of m jin life to influence millions to billions of fans of late mj. in democracy, the interests of majorities of people in a nation must not be overlokked, The legal issuesof violations , as of 9 5. 2009 moved  in the us c appeals for the 2nd circuit n y, ny & to u s supreme court at Washingron dc, 1 first st n e washington dc 20543 on a direct appeal from u s d  ourt for norther district of ny at Albany ny 12207 ;judge hon suddaby, case filed by  the rev dr kkk roy et al vs, estate of M J, state of californi, govt of usa et al: direct appeal from us d court are pwpermitted to u s spreme court on the basis of jurisdiction of supreme court on limited court action, as on 9.5. 2009 a motion of prayer to file writ of certiorari on u s d court, n d newyork 12207 os issues overlooked by said hon judge. & was of afro ajerican race& he ccould father no pure causa is unique example of corruptions @  top of jungle democratic rule and dysfunctions wherin  rich &powerfuls have different scales for rights, right &/or wrongs vs weaker citizenry in usa & world. We may not ignore failing & deficit bearing & misconducts of living or dead. Estate of m j with assets worth some billions may be tied to his corrupt way of life to destroy democratic values, family values, enslavement.9.4.2009:new york,usa :::mumbai , India::london, uk:: Bangkok,thailand; Asian belt nation:: New york city, USA: hard realities ,facts  of usa,& TRUE stories of late michael jackson music world Icon based in USA, the only usa president on default in u s a history againt whom 255  USD Court cases were filed as allegations were filed that obama did not have continued u s citizenship in usa even he was born in hawaii at honolulu with alien balck father and 18 yr old mother when she delivered a live child anywhere on planet earth,obama could not be automatic u s born and qualified to be u s born citizen on birth , but the facts were concealed and conspired and adult b h obama tried to evade facts illegally, said the rev kamal karna roy, a u s rebel   GOP legal U S presidential candidate on nov 4, 2008  election, dr roy had legal right as a contestant to presidency wef 1.20. 2009,but a smart violator of laws evaded the issue illegally to prove otherwise, complained dr kamal roy, dr roy yet on 8.23 .2009 claimed his bonafied claim to be us president wef 1.20. 2009 on the context that the great b h Obama virtuallyu stole the u s presidential position , as was alleged in a situation that occured in Iran recently, said dr roy  , story of struggling presidential candidate, not ever retired hope to be the legal president of usa wef 1. 20 2009, other candidates retired their hopes except  dr kamal k k roy and accused anTOP democratic world news of decaying ethics in democracies in "PEOPLUSA  :note: D. D(hon doctoral degree  in Divinity)( world religions school & university of god/s, people, divininity, democracy et al....etc wold wide including new york   york buried  in los angeles, California , usa  with talent and deficits of his tenured life till june 2009 for review by people, world wide, fans, critics for his talent in vocal music et al, & deficits in his personal charater in severe scrutiny of usdc, circuit courts, u s supreme court , washington d c & int'l court of justice at hague for his suspected abuses in family values, perjury with state of caloifornia fpor faked presumptions of 2 pure caucasian kids  to have been male parented by him (MJ), he lied,lied to enslave 2 w/kids & abuse democratic systems in  usa & world. m j is unique example of corruptions @  top of jungle democratic rule and dysfunctions wherin  rich &powerfuls have different scales for rights, right &/or wrongs vs weaker citizenry in usa & world. We may not ignore failing & deficit bearing & misconducts of living or dead. Estate of m j with assets worth some billions may be tied to his corrupt way of life to destroy democratic values, family values, enslavement.9.4.2009:new york,usa :::mumbai , India::london, uk:: Bangkok,thailand; Asian belt nation:: New york city, USA: hard realities ,facts  of usa,& TRUE stories of late michael jackson music world Icon based in USA, the only usa president on default in u s a history againt whom 255  USD Court cases were filed as allegations were filed that obama did not have continued u s citizenship in usa even he was born in hawaii at honolulu with alien balck father and 18 yr old mother when she delivered a live child anywhere on planet earth,obama could not be automatic u s born and qualified to be u s born citizen on birth , but the facts were concealed and conspired and adult b h obama tried to evade facts illegally, said the rev kamal karna roy, a u s rebel   GOP legal U S presidential candidate on nov 4, 2008  election, dr roy had legal right as a contestant to presidency wef 1.20. 2009,but a smart violator of laws evaded the issue illegally to prove otherwise, complained dr kamal roy, dr roy yet on 8.23 .2009 claimed his bonafied claim to be us president wef 1.20. 2009 on the context that the great b h Obama virtuallyu stole the u s presidential position , as was alleged in a situation that occured in Iran recently, said dr roy  , story of struggling presidential candidate, not ever retired hope to be the legal president of usa wef 1. 20 2009, other candidates retired their hopes except  dr kamal k k roy and accused anTOP democratic world news of decaying etAc ndny (judge hon judge suddaby,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "my email" <>, enquiries@un.orgmisc: the rev dr kamal karna k roy aka jg jr moved to u s supreme  Court@ washington d c : issue: recording ofale and illegal chilren_ data in booksof records @ state of California m j kids: @ state of hawaii fro the hon barrack hussain Obama, de facto & on default,ever U S president in history of usa::: see below:: cc to u s dept of justice; uno,nyc ny:: to whom it may concrn. cc to all concerned incl:::misc/s in usa,both regular, conventional, human_god/sentioal God/s world wide & in usa::dataourtsc: Subject: 9.5.2009 USA :: DR.michael m Jackson , d. d ( world religions school & university of god/s, people, divininity, democracy et al....etc world wide including new york   york,was buried  in los angeles, California , usa , with talent and deficits @ character, of his tenured life till 25 june 2009;It  is now, for review by people, world wide, fans, critics for his talent in vocal music et al, & deficits in his personal charater in severe scrutiny of usdc, circuit courts, u s supreme court , washington d c & int'l court of justice at hague for his alleged & suspected abuses in life, in long established family values, perjury with state of california for his faked presumptions of 2 pure caucasian kids  to have been male parented by him (MJ), he lied,lied to enslave 2 w/kids & abuse them & for way making illicitly democratic systems in  usa & world. m j was not blind if life but was erratic & violators of laws to serve all purposes,including evils many, to defunct the established system @ usa & outsource USA. The said kids were not legally adopted by M J as m j , debbie rowe ex jackson o the m j clan now living tried to fool people as if kids viz prince & Paris were no Jacjsons  either biologically or legal adoions, Mj and hs xtende family and associates wanted crime, in matter to hie as if true; court actions were filed in variou jurisdicion of laws where estate of late m j do biness to lequidate hundreds o millions earned, assessed to go to estate of mj /0 l a county clerkasa mj's indecent actions could not bewlegalized in USDA For crimes  arousing civil violations , the assets needed to be siezed to replnshed  for  losses to u s society for illegal conducts of m jin life to influence millions to billions of fans of late mj. in democracy, the interests of majorities of people in a nation must not be overlokked, The legal issuesof violations , as of 9 5. 2009 moved  in the us c appeals for the 2nd circuit n y, ny & to u s supreme court at Washingron dc, 1 first st n e washington dc 20543 on a direct appeal from u s d  ourt for norther district of ny at Albany ny 12207 ;judge hon suddaby, case filed by  the rev dr kkk roy et al vs, estate of M J, state of californi, govt of usa et al: direct appeal from us d court are pwpermitted to u s spreme court on the basis of jurisdiction of supreme court on limited court action, as on 9.5. 2009 a motion of prayer to file writ of certiorari on u s d court, n d newyork 12207 os issues overlooked by said hon judge. & was of afro ajerican race& he ccould father no pure causa is unique example of corruptions @  top of jungle democratic rule and dysfunctions wherin  rich &powerfuls have different scales for rights, right &/or wrongs vs weaker citizenry in usa & world. We may not ignore failing & deficit bearing & misconducts of living or dead. Estate of m j with assets worth some billions may be tied to his corrupt way of life to destroy democratic values, family values, enslavement.9.4.2009:new york,usa :::mumbai , India::london, uk:: Bangkok,thailand; Asian belt nation:: New york city, USA: hard realities ,facts  of usa,& TRUE stories of late michael jackson music world Icon based in USA, the only usa president on default in u s a history againt whom 255  USD Court cases were filed as allegations were filed that obama did not have continued u s citizenship in usa even he was born in hawaii at honolulu with alien balck father and 18 yr old mother when she delivered a live child anywhere on planet earth,obama could not be automatic u s born and qualified to be u s born citizen on birth , but the facts were concealed and conspired and adult b h obama tried to evade facts illegally, said the rev kamal karna roy, a u s rebel   GOP legal U S presidential candidate on nov 4, 2008  election, dr roy had legal right as a contestant to presidency wef 1.20. 2009,but a smart violator of laws evaded the issue illegally to prove otherwise, complained dr kamal roy, dr roy yet on 8.23 .2009 claimed his bonafied claim to be us president wef 1.20. 2009 on the context that the great b h Obama virtuallyu stole the u s presidential position , as was alleged in a situation that occured in Iran recently, said dr roy  , story of struggling presidential candidate, not ever retired hope to be the legal president of usa wef 1. 20 2009, other candidates retired their hopes except  dr kamal k k roy and accused anTOP democratic world news of decaying ethics in democracies in "PEOPLUSA  :note: D. D(hon doctoral degree  in Divinity)( world religions school & university of god/s, people, divininity, democracy et al....etc wold wide including new york   york buried  in los angeles, California , usa  with talent and deficits of his tenured life till june 2009 for review by people, world wide, fans, critics for his talent in vocal music et al, & deficits in his personal charater in severe scrutiny of usdc, circuit courts, u s supreme court , washington d c & int'l court of justice at hague for his suspected abuses in family values, perjury with state of caloifornia fpor faked presumptions of 2 pure caucasian kids  to have been male parented by him (MJ), he lied,lied to enslave 2 w/kids & abuse democratic systems in  usa & world. m j is unique example of corruptions @  top of jungle democratic rule and dysfunctions wherin  rich &powerfuls have different scales for rights, right &/or wrongs vs weaker citizenry in usa & world. We may not ignore failing & deficit bearing & misconducts of living or dead. Estate of m j with assets worth some billions may be tied to his corrupt way of life to destroy democratic values, family values, enslavement.9.4.2009:new york,usa :::mumbai , India::london, uk:: Bangkok,thailand; Asian belt nation:: New york city, USA: hard realities ,facts  of usa,& TRUE stories of late michael jackson music world Icon based in USA, the only usa president on default in u s a history againt whom 255  USD Court cases were filed as allegations were filed that obama did not have continued u s citizenship in usa even he was born in hawaii at honolulu with alien balck father and 18 yr old mother when she delivered a live child anywhere on planet earth,obama could not be automatic u s born and qualified to MISC ISSUES::9 .12. 2009be u s born citizen on birth , but the facts were concealed and conspired and adult b h obama tried to evade facts illegally, said the rev kamal karna roy, a u s rebel   GOP legal U S presidential candidate on nov 4, 2008  election, dr roy had legal right as a contestant to presidency wef 1.20. 2009,but a smart violator of laws evaded the issue illegally to prove otherwise, complained dr kamal roy, dr roy yet on 8.23 .2009 claimed his bonafied claim to be us president wef 1.20. 2009 on the context that the great b h Obama virtuallyu stole the u s presidential position , as was alleged in a situation that occured in Iran recently, said dr roy  , story of struggling presidential candidate, not ever retired hope to be the legal president of usa wef 1. 20 2009, other candidates retired their hopes except  dr kamal k k roy and accused anTOP democratic world news of decaying ethics in democracies in "PEOPLE" including in USAmisthe rev dr kamal karna k roy aka jg jr moved to u s supreme  Court@ washington d c : issue: recording ofale and illegal chilren_ data in booksof records @ state of California m j kids: @ state of hawaii fro the hon barrack hussain Obama, de facto & on default,ever U S president in history of usa::: see below:: cc to u s dept of justice; uno,nyc ny:: to whom it may concrn. cc to all concerned incl:::misc/s in usa,both regular, conventional, human_god/sentioal God/s world wide & in usa::dataourtsc: Subject: 9.5.2009 USA :: DR.michael m Jackson , d. d ( world religions school & university of god/s, people, divininity, democracy et al....etc world wide including new york   york,was buried  in los angeles, California , usa , with talent and deficits @ character, of his tenured life till 25 june 2009;It  is now, for review by people, world wide, fans, critics for his talent in vocal music et al, & deficits in his personal charater in severe scrutiny of usdc, circuit courts, u s supreme court , washington d c & int'l court of justice at hague for his alleged & suspected abuses in life, in long established family values, perjury with state of california for his faked presumptions of 2 pure caucasian kids  to have been male parented by him (MJ), he lied,lied to enslave 2 w/kids & abuse them & for way making illicitly democratic systems in  usa & world. m j was not blind if life but was erratic & violators of laws to serve all purposes,including evils many, to defunct the established system @ usa & outsource USA. The said kids were not legally adopted by M J as m j , debbie rowe ex jackson o the m j clan now living tried to fool people as if kids viz prince & Paris were no Jacjsons  either biologically or legal adoions, Mj and hs xtende family and associates wanted crime, in matter to hie as if true; court actions were filed in variou jurisdicion of laws where estate of late m j do biness to lequidate hundreds o millions earned, assessed to go to estate of mj /0 l a county clerkasa mj's indecent actions could not bewlegalized in USDA For crimes  arousing civil violations , the assets needed to be siezed to replnshed  for  losses to u s society for illegal conducts of m jin life to influence millions to billions of fans of late mj. in democracy, the interests of majorities of people in a nation must not be overlokked, The legal issuesof violations , as of 9 5. 2009 moved  in the us c appeals for the 2nd circuit n y, ny & to u s supreme court at Washingron dc, 1 first st n e washington dc 20543 on a direct appeal from u s d  ourt for norther district of ny at Albany ny 12207 ;judge hon suddaby, case filed by  the rev dr kkk roy et al vs, estate of M J, state of californi, govt of usa et al: direct appeal from us d court are pwpermitted to u s spreme court on the basis of jurisdiction of supreme court on limited court action, as on 9.5. 2009 a motion of prayer to file writ of certiorari on u s d court, n d newyork 12207 os issues overlooked by said hon judge. & was of afro ajerican race& he ccould father no pure causa is unique example of corruptions @  top of jungle democratic rule and dysfunctions wherin  rich &powerfuls have different scales for rights, right &/or wrongs vs weaker citizenry in usa & world. We may not ignore failing & deficit bearing & misconducts of living or dead. Estate of m j with assets worth some billions may be tied to his corrupt way of life to destroy democratic values, family values, enslavement.9.4.2009:new york,usa :::mumbai , India::london, uk:: Bangkok,thailand; Asian belt nation:: New york city, USA: hard realities ,facts  of usa,& TRUE stories of late michael jackson music world Icon based in USA, the only usa president on default in u s a history againt whom 255  USD Court cases were filed as allegations were filed that obama did not have continued u s citizenship in usa even he was born in hawaii at honolulu with alien balck father and 18 yr old mother when she delivered a live child anywhere on planet earth,obama could not be automatic u s born and qualified to be u s born citizen on birth , but the facts were concealed and conspired and adult b h obama tried to evade facts illegally, said the rev kamal karna roy, a u s rebel   GOP legal U S presidential candidate on nov 4, 2008  election, dr roy had legal right as a contestant to presidency wef 1.20. 2009,but a smart violator of laws evaded the issue illegally to prove otherwise, complained dr kamal roy, dr roy yet on 8.23 .2009 claimed his bonafied claim to be us president wef 1.20. 2009 on the context that the great b h Obama virtuallyu stole the u s presidential position , as was alleged in a situation that occured in Iran recently, said dr roy  , story of struggling presidential candidate, not ever retired hope to be the legal president of usa wef 1. 20 2009, other candidates retired their hopes except  dr kamal k k roy and accused anTOP democratic world news of decaying ethics in democracies in "PEOPLUSA  :note: D. D(hon doctoral degree  in Divinity)( world religions school & university of god/s, people, divininity, democracy et al....etc wold wide including new york   york buried  in los angeles, California , usa  with talent and deficits of his tenured life till june 2009 for review by people, world wide, fans, critics for his talent in vocal music et al, & deficits in his personal charater in severe scrutiny of usdc, circuit courts, u s supreme court , washington d c & int'l court of justice at hague for his suspected abuses in family values, perjury with state of caloifornia fpor faked presumptions of 2 pure caucasian kids  to have been male parented by him (MJ), he lied,lied to enslave 2 w/kids & abuse democratic systems in  usa & world. m j is unique example of corruptions @  top of jungle democratic rule and dysfunctions wherin  rich &powerfuls have different scales for rights, right &/or wrongs vs weaker citizenry in usa & world. We may not ignore failing & deficit bearing & misconducts of living or dead. Estate of m j with assets worth some billions may be tied to his corrupt way of life to destroy democratic values, family values, enslavement.9.4.2009:new york,usa :::mumbai , India::london, uk:: Bangkok,thailand; Asian belt nation:: New york city, USA: hard realities ,facts  of usa,& TRUE stories of late michael jackson music world Icon based in USA, the only usa president on default in u s a history againt whom 255  USD Court cases were filed as allegations were filed that obama did not have continued u s citizenship in usa even he was born in hawaii at honolulu with alien balck father and 18 yr old mother when she delivered a live child anywhere on planet earth,obama could not be automatic u s born and qualified to be u s born citizen on birth , but the facts were concealed and conspired and adult b h obama tried to evade facts illegally, said the rev kamal karna roy, a u s rebel   GOP legal U S presidential candidate on nov 4, 2008  election, dr roy had legal right as a contestant to presidency wef 1.20. 2009,but a smart violator of laws evaded the issue illegally to prove otherwise, complained dr kamal roy, dr roy yet on 8.23 .2009 claimed his bonafied claim to be us president wef 1.20. 2009 on the context that the great b h Obama virtuallyu stole the u s presidential position , as was alleged in a situation that occured in Iran recently, said dr roy  , story of struggling presidential candidate, not ever retired hope to be the legal president of usa wef 1. 20 2009, other candidates retired their hopes except  dr kamal k k roy and accused anTOP democratic world news of decaying ethics in democracies in "PEOPthe rev dr kamal karna k roy aka jg jr moved to u s supreme  Court@ washington d c : issue: recording ofale and illegal chilren_ data in booksof records @ state of California m j kids: @ state of hawaii fro the hon barrack hussain Obama, de facto & on default,ever U S president in history of usa::: see below:: cc to u s dept of justice; uno,nyc ny:: to whom it may concrn. cc to all concerned incl:::misc/s in usa,both regular, conventional, human_god/sentioal God/s world wide & in usa::dataourtsc: Subject: 9.5.2009 USA :: DR.michael m Jackson , d. d ( world religions school & university of god/s, people, divininity, democracy et al....etc world wide including new york   york,was buried  in los angeles, California , usa , with talent and deficits @ character, of his tenured life till 25 june 2009;It  is now, for review by people, world wide, fans, critics for his talent in vocal music et al, & deficits in his personal charater in severe scrutiny of usdc, circuit courts, u s supreme court , washington d c & int'l court of justice at hague for his alleged & suspected abuses in life, in long established family values, perjury with state of california for his faked presumptions of 2 pure caucasian kids  to have been male parented by him (MJ), he lied,lied to enslave 2 w/kids & abuse them & for way making illicitly democratic systems in  usa & world. m j was not blind if life but was erratic & violators of laws to serve all purposes,including evils many, to defunct the established system @ usa & outsource USA. The said kids were not legally adopted by M J as m j , debbie rowe ex jackson o the m j clan now living tried to fool people as if kids viz prince & Paris were no Jacjsons  either biologically or legal adoions, Mj and hs xtende family and associates wanted crime, in matter to hie as if true; court actions were filed in variou jurisdicion of laws where estate of late m j do biness to lequidate hundreds o millions earned, assessed to go to estate of mj /0 l a county clerkasa mj's indecent actions could not bewlegalized in USDA For crimes  arousing civil violations , the assets needed to be siezed to replnshed  for  losses to u s society for illegal conducts of m jin life to influence millions to billions of fans of late mj. in democracy, the interests of majorities of people in a nation must not be overlokked, The legal issuesof violations , as of 9 5. 2009 moved  in the us c appeals for the 2nd circuit n y, ny & to u s supreme court at Washingron dc, 1 first st n e washington dc 20543 on a direct appeal from u s d  ourt for norther district of ny at Albany ny 12207 ;judge hon suddaby, case filed by  the rev dr kkk roy et al vs, estate of M J, state of californi, govt of usa et al: direct appeal from us d court are pwpermitted to u s spreme court on the basis of jurisdiction of supreme court on limited court action, as on 9.5. 2009 a motion of prayer to file writ of certiorari on u s d court, n d newyork 12207 os issues overlooked by said hon judge. & was of afro ajerican race& he ccould father no pure causa is unique example of corruptions @  top of jungle democratic rule and dysfunctions wherin  rich &powerfuls have different scales for rights, right &/or wrongs vs weaker citizenry in usa & world. We may not ignore failing & deficit bearing & misconducts of living or dead. Estate of m j with assets worth some billions may be tied to his corrupt way of life to destroy democratic values, family values, enslavement.9.4.2009:new york,usa :::mumbai , India::london, uk:: Bangkok,thailand; Asian belt nation:: New york city, USA: hard realities ,facts  of usa,& TRUE stories of late michael jackson music world Icon based in USA, the only usa president on default in u s a history againt whom 255  USD Court cases were filed as allegations were filed that obama did not have continued u s citizenship in usa even he was born in hawaii at honolulu with alien balck father and 18 yr old mother when she delivered a live child anywhere on planet earth,obama could not be automatic u s born and qualified to be u s born citizen on birth , but the facts were concealed and conspired and adult b h obama tried to evade facts illegally, said the rev kamal karna roy, a u s rebel   GOP legal U S presidential candidate on nov 4, 2008  election, dr roy had legal right as a contestant to presidency wef 1.20. 2009,but a smart violator of laws evaded the issue illegally to prove otherwise, complained dr kamal roy, dr roy yet on 8.23 .2009 claimed his bonafied claim to be us president wef 1.20. 2009 on the context that the great b h Obama virtuallyu stole the u s presidential position , as was alleged in a situation that occured in Iran recently, said dr roy  , story of struggling presidential candidate, not ever retired hope to be the legal president of usa wef 1. 20 2009, other candidates retired their hopes except  dr kamal k k roy and accused anTOP democratic world news of decaying ethics in democracies in "PEOPLUSA  :note: D. D(hon doctoral degree  in Divinity)( world religions school & university of god/s, people, divininity, democracy et al....etc wold wide including new york   york buried  in los angeles, California , usa  with talent and deficits of his tenured life till june 2009 for review by people, world wide, fans, critics for his talent in vocal music et al, & deficits in his personal charater in severe scrutiny of usdc, circuit courts, u s supreme court , washington d c & int'l court of justice at hague for his suspected abuses in family values, perjury with state of caloifornia fpor faked presumptions of 2 pure caucasian kids  to have been male parented by him (MJ), he lied,lied to enslave 2 w/kids & abuse democratic systems in  usa & world. m j is unique example of corruptions @  top of jungle democratic rule and dysfunctions wherin  rich &powerfuls have different scales for rights, right &/or wrongs vs weaker citizenry in usa & world. We may not ignore failing & deficit bearing & misconducts of living or dead. Estate of m j with assets worth some billions may be tied to his corrupt way of life to destroy democratic values, family values, enslavement.9.4.2009:new york,usa :::mumbai , India::london, uk:: Bangkok,thailand; Asian belt nation:: New york city, USA: hard realities ,facts  of usa,& TRUE stories of late michael jackson music world Icon based in USA, the only usa president on default in u s a history againt whom 255  USD Court cases were filed as allegations were filed that obama did not have continued u s citizenship in usa even he was born in hawaii at honolulu with alien balck father and 18 yr old mother when she delivered a live child anywhere on planet earth,obama could not be automatic u s born and qualified to be u s born citizen on birth , but the facts were concealed and conspired and adult b h obama tried to evade facts illegally, said the rev kamal karna roy, a u s rebel   GOP legal U S presidential candidate on nov 4, 2008  election, dr roy had legal right as a contestant to presidency wef 1.20. 2009,but a smart violator of laws evaded the issue illegally to prove otherwise, complained dr kamal roy, dr roy yet on 8.23 .2009 claimed his bonafied claim to be us president wef 1.20. 2009 on the context that the great b h Obama virtuallyu stole the u s presidential position , as was alleged in a situation that occured in Iran recently, said dr roy  , story of struggling presidential candidate, not ever retired hope to be the legal president of usa wef 1. 20 2009, other candidates retired their hopes except  dr kamal k k roy and accused anTOP democratic world news of decaying ethics in democracies in "PEOPLE" including in USA

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