
Does this make my bf a pedophile?

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I have somehow managed to fall in love with a man 14 years older than me; I'm 15. He's a great guy, the only thing he does wrong is being with someone underage.. But we can't help it.

I want to know if that means he is a pedophile, or he's just simply in a relationship with someone my age?




  1. OMG!!!!    Yes he is!     You better not have any sexual relations with this guy,or you both will be in trouble, and WTF is wrong with him for wanting a relationship as young as you? He cant be serious!!  I'm sorry I know you are young and vulnerable at this age and its hard to understand.

    Put it this way...What if this was a very close friend of yours, would you aprove?

    And if you are questioning this you must already know in your heart that its wrong.

  2. he's a pedophile by law


  3. Yep he is a pedophile.

    It is illegal to be with someone under the age of consent.

    Dump him hes no good for you.

  4. I'm in similar situation, I'm 19 but I'm talking to a 28 year old. My friends think it's gross because we're at different stages in life. I'm just starting college and he already has a career. But really he's a good guy and I don't think that his age matters.

    In your situation, it's a little different because there's the legal issue. I don't know the guy so I honestly can't tell you his intentions. But if you really feel in your heart that's he's a good guy and really appreciates you, then I say there's nothing wrong with it. If you don't want to get him into any possible trouble then I suggest you don't tell anyone about this relationship until you're at least 18 or whatever the legal age is where you live. I knew a girl who was 16 when she got caught having s*x with her 20 year old boyfriend, and he got charged for having s*x with a minor, it really sucked.

  5. Yeah....he's a pedophile. Any self respecting adult male wouldnt be dating a 15 year old girl....unless he was into young girls...which makes him a pedophile. I guarantee if you two dont work out (and when you reach legal age, he'll probably be done with you), he'll find another young girl to take your place.

  6. My first instinct: stay away from this guy! If he was 14 years older than you and you were legal, say 18, it would be different, though still not too good. But you are too young and still developing in body and mind, and he is taking advantage of you. As it is now, he could go to jail and be a registered s*x offender for life if anyone reports him.  

  7. I believe when you say he's a good guy, a girl knows when she's being mistreated. And I disagree with almost everyone on here. Like you added, they are just telling you to dump him like he doesn't mean anything to you, which obviously he does, considering you said you were in love with him. You asked if he was a pedophile, not "should I break up with this guy? he's terrible."

    If you gave advice to any of these people to break up with the person they love, would they listen? No..

    And to answer your question.. No, not a pedophile.

    Pedophiles are into young, young kids; like 11 and under.

    It is wrong that you two are together, he could be sent to jail.

    But honestly, any guy risking jail time to be with someone, show's love.

    Best of luck.

  8. That is not a pedophile.  Stupid d**n people say every man is a pedophile if you have any age difference.  The tv says every man is somebody bad but theyre wrong.

    I was 15 but had a boyfriend 30, he was very nice and smart and mature and respectfull to me and never took advantage of me but alot of my friends said eww he's too old so we broke up. My parents knew him and they accept us but they wonder if I should better be with somebody my same age, so I found a boy who was 17. I tried to be good and make him happy but he was always mad and he hit me alot and he never gave me any real love but he was always asking s*x s*x s*x. It seems he only wanted that from me and didnt care about me really. Then he still cheated with other girls, so now I left him but I'm still scard of him. I wish I could go back to the real man I had before and I loved before but he found somebody else now. I saw them and met her and she is nice and they are happy together. I should have stayed with him and never listened to my friends.


    A guy seems he isnt even ready to be serious until he is 30 or 35. An immature little boy doesnt care and doesnt know what hes doing.

  9. Honey! he's a pedophile... what would a 29year old man have in common with a 15 year old? nothing but mind games and lots of lies. leave that freak alone.

  10. Stay away from him - find someone closer to your own age.  A relationship betwen you two could only cause problems for both of you.    

  11. I was in your same situation when I was 17. I dated a man that was 10 years older.

    I didnt have much friends or family to guide me so I chose to be with him.

    Even though he was not in the true sense of the word a pedifile he was VERY imature. I was with him a long time but he never grew up.

    I finally left him because I started realizing that I myself would never ever date someone who was 10 years younger then I was.

    Ask yourself the same question, would you being 15 date a 1 year old?

    Maybe that is a little extreme but there is something wrong with him that he wants to date some one as young as you.

    This is a warning danger sign. Stick with people your own age. Not  only that you are only 15 to young to be having s*x and your not married , so what are you going to do when he hits you up for s*x?

    and trust me he will because he is way older then you...

    Wait for someone in your age group...

  12. Technically, he's an ephebophile, which is someone attracted to adolescents.  Pedophile refers to those attracted to pre-adolescent children.  The wrongness of it is debatable.  But under law, If you two have s*x, it would be statutory rape and he would be facing some jail time.  

  13. Yes. By definition he is a pedophile, assuming that you are in the United States, and you are under the age of consent for your state. You both are risking him going to jail on statutory rape charges if you continue to see each other in a physical way.

  14. Ephebophile - look it up. Also, I don't know you or your situation but be careful.  

  15. First, per Webster's Dictionary a "pedophile is an adult who is sexually attracted to children."  Per US law, a child is under the age of 18.

    All being said, from what you wrote and this fact - YES, he is a pediphile.  If you are involved with him - and worst case - if your parents chose to, they could press charges against him.  You both could go to jail I believe (definitely him based on age; you, I'm not sure but you'd definitely be required some form of counseling or being reprimanded).  It is that serious.

    Additionally, if I were you, I very seriously stop and ask myself "why is this man really want to date me who is only 15 when there are many his own age group (and they are legal)?"  

    To me, my gut instinct is to stay away from him for both of these reasons.  And remember something very wise I heard when I was younger:  "just because a person has feelings for you (or you do for them), does NOT mean they are right for you."  For the reasons you mentioned above, I do not think it's a great idea at all.  There are some very serious and socially wrong things going on here....perhaps legal as well.

    Good luck. :)

  16. Pedophile.

    Most men would not be interested in such a young girl because he's "in love"... but rather to take advantage of that fact that you may be naive. The age difference at such a young age only means trouble. He'll charm you with words and bathe you with gifts only to get control and get whatever he's seeking from you...

    You should talk about this relationship with someone you trust.. and please take care of yourself... you don't want to do something you'll later regret and then get your heart broken.

  17. Pedophile.

  18. yes, that is considered pedophilia. he could be prosecuted for statutory rape because you have not reached the age of consent. end the relationship for both of your sake.

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