
Does <span title="Water?????????????????????????????">Water????????????????????...</span>

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I've heard that water does a lot of good things for you. Does it really help you lose weight? Also, can water improve your skin and help prevent breakouts? Also i heard that you should drink a glass of water before every tat true? should I be doing tat? thanx so much for all you help. =)




  1. yes

    water is healthy and has no calories. so its good for the body.

  2. yeah that&#039;s all true :-) u should drink water before dinner its very necessary and it really improves ur skin and prevents from getting gathers on ur skin when putting on years;also water helps u to lose weight.U should drink approximately 1L of water every day :-)

  3. yess.

  4. it works for me (:  

  5. Well, as for the losing weight part, water only helps you lose weight if you drink a lot of it, which makes you full, so you might end up eating less food than normal, because you are already partiall full from the water. But, if you&#039;re a compulsive over-eater, then it won&#039;t help at all. That&#039;s the only reason people drink a glass of water before every meal. And it does slightly help your skin and prevent breakouts, by cleaning and riding your body of waste from the inside, but just drinking water won&#039;t do much. You also have to take care of your skin from the outside, like washing it and cleansing your pores, so that you don&#039;t get acne.

  6. Water is very healthy for you. If you&#039;re substituting water for soda or unhealthy drinks, then I can see how it makes you lose weight.

  7. yep. totally tue. water is great for so many things, your body is designed for water, not soda coffe tea alchol, i mean we were never intended to put that in our bodies! but yeah start drinkin water and you will loose weight and another all natural weight loss thing is take one-two tbls apple cidar vinager before each meal and that really burns fat or eat a lemon a day, that does to, iknow its nasty but it works. and vinegar has alot of good benifits also, it cures high blood pressure and heartburn and a bunch of other things, hope this helps:)-

  8. Water does indeed have a lot of health benefits, and is the most important substance for the body, but be careful not to drink TOO much water. Water makes up sixty percent of the body and is essential for every single system of the body and drinking pure water is the best way to get the liquid your body needs (it doesn&#039;t have sugar like juice, etc.).

    Water helps a person lose weight, and is good for the skin. One of the reasons that water helps people to lose weight is that it fills up their stomachs with water; the person feels full and doesn&#039;t want to eat. This can be dangerous, so be careful. Over-hydration is as dangerous as severe dehydration, though from your question it sounds as though you don&#039;t drink much water and shouldn&#039;t have to worry about this. The recommended volume of water intake is eight glasses a day, and I suggest that you try to drink around that much water daily.

  9. Yeah, I believe so ;]

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