
Do you take the 1950's seriously?

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On the one hand you have duck and cover, the aesthetic they had for future technology and ridiculousness of censorship (couples sleeping in different beds, that kind of thing). On the other, the Korean war was pretty serious, and beat music and poetry was pretty serious, and a lot of the movies were good. Overall it was a very complex decade.




  1. You act like the 1950's were in the stone age. That era was a nice period, with families more connected. Maybe, more girls were house wives, but the family ate dinner together, and they lived at a slower pace. Maybe, we need to slow down, and enjoy family life more like they did. I think that today is a more complex period.

  2. Of course I take the 50's seriously!  It was an age of innocence.  

    During the 40's, America had thrown all of her resources and emotions into WWII.  The wars end ushered in the 50's with a promise of progress and prosperity.  All aspects of daily life were constantly challenged by new fashion, new music, new industry, medical breakthroughs, exciting new technology, colorful cars, TVs, frozen TV dinners...a never ending procession of excitement!

    But it was bittersweet too.  As much as we enjoyed the excesses, we were still confined by a modest code of behavior.  

    Of course, the behavior was "fixed" in the 60's.  Now that's a time that I didn't take seriously!  Free love, free s*x, free, free, free...I hated the 60's; it was so plastic!

    In retrospect, the 50's was the beginning of the breakdown of society.  Each decade thereafter brought greater discontent and impatience with life and changes were brought about before anyone considered how they would affect society as a whole.

    So yes, I take the 50's seriously!  Even though it  was a "Leave it to Beaver" lifestyle, it was sweet.

  3. A time when a dirt poor kid from Memphis, Tenn. could take over the world and change nearly everything. Serious, thank you, thank you very much.  

  4. I find the fast-talking-high-trouser movies pretty funny. Man did people's butts look weird.

  5. Well take it serious or not. It was part of our history, and that means something.

  6. What an ignorant question. The 50's was one of the great American virtuous times in all of our History. We just came out of WW2 and people finally had some peace of mind. Kids were kids, teenagers were teenagers and adults acted like adults. A girl and guy could hold hands and expect having a great time rather than just try to get into each other's pants. It was such a prosperous time. Our culture was wonderful. Kids could go down to the hamburger stand without worrying about getting mugged. Guys asked permission to the girls father and mother is they could ask them out on a date. People loved their country and were proud of it as the rest of the World suffered under Stalin's regime.

    What the h**l kind of question did you just ask you nut job?

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