
Do you prefer expensive or non-expensive items?

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clothes, computers, ipods, etc.




  1. I never buy really expensive clothes and my clothes have always lasted me a long time. I've never had a problem because I actually take good care of my clothes...

    PS-Ace sure sounds like a conceited snob! Get over yourself dude no one cares

  2. depends. if it's my money then i get expensive things but if it's someone else i like cheap things because then i can get more. weird

  3. ok i like buying non-expensive things do to i dont work.  So i dont have the money to buy whatever. For computers my family as always gotten pricyer ones because we put alot of pictures and alot of stuff on them and we need them to last.

    For clothes as long as they dont look cheap im really fine with whatever i like to shop at target, and khol's also at old navy but i also like to shop at places such as macy's, holister and A&F.

    I have only had one ipod in my life and it was stolen early in the summer my parents spend $400.00 dallors on it. and i loved that thing.

    so i really dont care on the subject. but i will be working soon so i will be able to buy the $90 pair of jeans instead of the $50.

  4. expensive but on sale.

  5. I prefer expensive items because of the following reasons:

    1.) I most importantly appreciate well made things

    2.) I know how to wear expensive well made things

    3.) I like having things that most people don't and can't afford

    4.) I have expensive taste in clothes (wear Ralph Lauren exclusively and if they've made it, I probably have it or something very much like it from a previous collection)

    5.) I can afford expensive stuff, but I always take full advantage whenever I can through sales and by being a dedicate customer of Ralph Lauren I get all kinds of inside perks because of friends who work for and insider promotions/events.

  6. A mix. Sometimes cheaper stuff is bad quality, sometimes it's good. Sometimes expensive stuff is priced more than it's worth and other times it's not.

  7. a mix of expensive and non -expensive

    computers- expensive

    mp3 players- expensive

    clothes - a mix

    shoes - a mix

  8. The quality is important not the price, but I do go for expensive when it comes to skincare products, hair and makeup, they usually are better.

  9. Non-expensive, as long as they are good quality. Everyone loves a bargain!

  10. who wouldnt prefre expensive items? theyre better quality and more stylish and cool

  11. Clothes?  I don't pay more than $30 for my [[but they must be good quality.]]

    Computers- idk, my computers are always expensive.

    iPods- don't use those anymore.

    It varies what I'm buying. In simpler terms, if it's something that I can grow out of, or won't use in the next 3 months, I don't overdo it.

  12. For clothing: yes, I do like designer clothing. There are a couple of reasons for that though, and none of them have anything to do with the price. I like designers like Ralph Lauren because I know the quality is good, that the website is trustworthy to buy from, that the clothing will last me long, and that it will look nicely on my body type. I don't buy cheaply made clothes because if I buy something cute, I want it to last me as long as it will fit.

    Computers: I'm a Mac girl. End of Story.

    Other electronics: Price doesn't matter, as long as the product does what I want it to do, and as long as it's not ridiculously over priced.

    I care about quality. I'd pay more for a Ralph button down than for an American Eagle one because I know the Ralph would last me longer.

  13. Clothes- expensive, they last longer

    Computers - expensive. more things included

    iPods- expensive obviously, only apple makes them..

    answer mine please?

  14. expensive, but on sale

  15. i buy almost everything on sale so its like the best of both worlds

  16. expensive they last longer

  17. I am a firm believer in you get what you pay for.

    If you're looking to keep something for a long time then definitely the more expensive items are an investment.

    But if you are just after throw away fashion or tend to lose or ruin clothes then I'd go for the cheaper items.

    Definitely you can tell from the quality and details of clothes when they are more expensive.

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