
Do you know the truth about vaccines given to your valuable children? measles vaccine for instance is given by

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injection but it has no way to leave the body... evidence shows the vaccine products... still in circulation years later... possibly a mutation occurs and may be one reason for tumor growth... measles enters a person through the nose and or mouth and exists the same way through coughing and sneezing... not so the vaccines given by needle into a muscle. Breast fed babies are best served because of the natural immunity transferred by their mothers breast milk. think about what you are subjecting your children to when you swallow the traditional medical information without checking into as much other info that does not bring in such profits as traditional medical avenues do... this is not a put down on medical doctors in general because unfortunately they are in medical schools that are funded by pharmacology companies that make big bucks... natural medicine does not guarantee perfection but it absolutely does have benefits that traditional medicine does not.




  1. My practice in pediatrics antedated the measles vaccine and I saw how sick most children with measles are. They have high fevers often exceeding 104F (40 C), bad coughs and often secondary pneumonia. Measles was a leading cause of childhood death into the 1940s. Now even most doctors have never seen a single case. Underutilization of the vaccine led to an outbreak in 1989 where the mortality rate in children living under the poverty line exceeded the mortality rate from measles in 1950.

    Given these data and four decades of advocacy for children, I claim a right to strong feelings. Playing God has nothing to do with it.

  2. evidence shows the vaccine products... still in circulation years later... possibly a mutation occurs and may be one reason for tumor growth..

    Would you post a link to the journal and article that's published this evidence?

    What are the natural medicine cures for measles?

    Why does the introduction of the vaccine coincide with the near elimination of this terrible illness, in every country that it's been used? If natural medicine works, why were millions of people dying from this illness up until the vaccine?

    The vaccine isn't given into muscle. It's given subcutaneously.

    Lastly, there's some great work being done using the measles virus itself as a medicant to treat some intractable forms of cancer (see link to Mayo Clinic study using measles virus to target glioblastoma).

    I agree it's good to be vigilant about what medication you are taking, and I'm sorry if you or someone you know is suffering from illness.  But putting the blame on the wrong cause is a waste of time and won't help anyone.  The past few years have seen a decline in the number of children having this vaccine, and unsurprisingly there has been a climb in the number of measles related deaths.

  3. How about researching what life was like before we had childhood vaccines, and many children died.

    Your information is wrong across the board, and I suspect you may need a refill on your meds.

  4. You really need to put the propaganda down and enrol at a university.

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