
Do you Believe that the Sasquatch or Big foot is really out somewhere in the mountains or woods ?

by Guest44821  |  earlier

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I Heard several Native american stories about people who have seen one.




  1. I believe that they are out there and that they are very smart.  I think Big Foot simply avoids people.   In the few instances where he has come in contact with people, he just throws big rocks.  Why?  That tell me he is way smarter that we thought.  If he was just an animal, wouldn't he try to hurt people?  In most cases he runs away.  

  2. I haven't seen one, but I am inclined to believe they could exist. I have seen things that I have no explanation for. I live in Texas close to the Oklahoma state line and I have seen so many different types of animals and wild life. Always the possibility they could be here.

  3. Those native americans will have hoped to make money.

    Big Foot is as real as Creationism.

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