
Do vampires get AIDS?

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Do vampires get AIDS?




  1. Vampires come from the same concept as witches who could fly, change shapes, and took away a person's life forces. The "am" in the word is the same as in the word "dam*n. The "pire" part is most likely from the same as funeral "pyre" or fire, it could also be same as "shire" as in offspring. Sorta the same as the eternal flame. The "v" of course, is the same "v" as in the word "evil". Their counter part is the angel. Fear is the survival technique that some people have used to keep others away from them.  This is still in use today and so, there are people who say or believe they are vampires, so yes they can.  

  2. No, they're too powerful for that.

  3. Anyone can get AIDS, vampire or not.

  4. GET REAL  vampires are a state of mind, a stupid mind at that!

  5. They can carry the HIV virus, but because they are immortal and self healing they don't get full blown AIDS.

  6. Yes, unless they're Blood Type "A".

  7. do vampires exist???

  8. Only if they drink from the water fountain.

  9. ahh so thats how they died out...........
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