
Discouraged fat loss/Muscle Gain

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  1. I have come to believe that while a person can lose weight relatively quickly and actual full body transformation which may include generous muscle gains may take up to a year. This means that you must perform your disciplined routine without ceasing for a minimum of 12 months.

    Bear in mind this is only my opinion and I’m sure it probably differs for everyone. I personally have been doing intense cardio and resistance training daily for 7 months, and the first 3 months were DRAG a*s months. I didn’t see any real change other than a decrease in countable body fat and weight. In other words i still felt fat. As an example I way 165 now from a previous 201. I gained a lot of weight working as a long haul truck driver. Currently I’m  5' 8" with a 26.6 BMI. And a Body fat percentage which fluctuates between 12 and 16 percent, tops. I think I’m on the endo-mesomorphic side of the scale leaning toward mesomorphic. All I know is that it has taken a little longer than I thought to reach my goals. They haven’t been reached yet by the way.

    I suppose this isn’t great motivation but you know, all I can say is keep pushing forward.


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