
Difficult economics question - please read carefully!!!?

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Suppose that an economic system has the following two features:

1. Per-capita income is growing at a steady rate of x percent per year.

2. The Gini coefficient is experiencing a slow and steady increase.

What percentage of the population is likely to see income growth rates BELOW x (slower than the per capita) and what percentage will see growth rates ABOVE x?




  1. Since there is no limit for Gini coefficient growth (it can potentially reach 0.999(9)) so conclusion is: in infinitely long-run for all population except one person income will grow slower than x.

    Answer: 99% (or 99.99%) will grow below X and 1% (or 0.01%) will grow faster than X.

    But actually depending on speed of growth for Gini coeficient most population may go (only theoretically/mathematically - in real life nobody will allow it) to zero income (so their growth in income will be negative) - just because income will be distributed tremendously toward one person - and Gini coefficent will go to  0.9(9)> k >1.00

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