
Did the pterodactyl really exist long time ago??

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there are so many information that have been written regarding the pterodactyl... can you really prove that this kind of dinosaur really exist long time ago???




  1. The pterodactyl is only one of an enormous variety of fossillized plants and animals that scientists study to learn more about the history of the earth and the evolution of life.  The evidence for the existance of a particular species may be very sketchy or may be very plentiful.  It depends on the type of species, their habitat, and the occurance of cataclismic events which created huge numbers of fossils of that particular species.   For example, fossils of many types of ocean species have been found in huge numbers in a great many rock formations all around the earth, samples running to the tens of thousands.  On the other hand, what we know about T Rex comes from only a handfull of partial skeltal fossils.  hope this helps

  2. it did exist and it is an extinct order of flying reptiles

  3. it is an extinct order of flying reptiles, the Pterosauria, remains of which occur in Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks. they have been found in Europe, North America, and East Africa, but were probably worldwide in distribution. natural casts of the brain show it to have been like that of a bird in having poorly developed olfactory centres and well-developed optic centres and cerebral hemispheres.

    the skin was evidently naked but hair-like structures have been found on the head of some specimens.

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