
Did our founding fathers cultivate and smoke marijuana?

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Or is that a myth.




  1. It's true dude!

    A lot of people think Benjamin Franklin was flying kites and stuff.  But what people were actually saying was that he was HIGH as a kite.

    Don't underestimate the founding fathers.  They knew how to party!

  2. They did cultivate cannabis, which they called hemp, for fiber and food, but they probably did not smoke it.  Smoking cannabis in this country is a relatively new phenomenon, most likely originating with poor Mexicans and blacks around the turn of last century.  It wasn't until cannabis was criminalized in the 1930s that popular culture began to embrace what before then was essentially a poor man's high.

  3. True and the original ingredient in Coca Cola  was indeed the "real thing" the derivitave of the Coca plant from South America a modern day cocaine source. However Coca Cola removed it after record sales and strange behaviour in the kids some time in the late 1800's or early 1900's.

  4. I have seen documentation that George Washington smoked crack along side his ***** slaves, which at the time had no idea what ills they would be subjected to once free.

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