
Cost price by Kerima Tuvera?

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  1. Isabel and Joe were in the restaurant since Isabel wept on that afternoon because Joe desired her but they were poor and could not marry. The reason was that they both had miserable jobs, the futile night studies and Joe’s sick parents. Joe worked as a clerk in publishing house and received meager salary, which he spent to his sick parents while Isabel was as assistant librarian to Mrs. Suntay, in a small children library. They first met when theirs a show in the library where Joe appeared selling books. When Joe dropped Isabel on her dormitory, he told her that he wanted her and named his desired on the form of his body and sound of his voice.
    One day Joe asked Isabel to go with him in a show. At first Isabel relented because she remembered how much she desired her but Joe promised that he won’t do any trouble again. So Isabel was swayed and agreed on watching the show. Later Joe declared that he still wanted her, that it was not wrong or cheap since everyone is doing it; its not just s*x but it was love. As they watched a movie, Isabel was moved by the show while Joe drew her closer to his body. Isabel cried because of the misery she felt about their relationship, and Joe asked for her forgiveness. Joe words seemed to Isabel the final defeat so she told him that she had the key of the library. They made love on the library; later Isabel realized that they were both poor. She stood up and hit Joe on his face; she kept on striking him for the previous misery he gave to her. Joe caught her hand and told her that they don’t need to fight because they’ve ruined everything already and he regretted that they watch the movie. Likewise, Isabel realized that later on Joe will leave her and she will be alone putting her life back.

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