
Compare and contrast the Vietnam War with the current war in Iraq

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compare and contrast the Vietnam War with the current war in Iraq (the one that started in March 2003). Mention things that these two wars had in common (home front and battle front), and things that are unique to each war.




  1. Compare: hard to win war, because of the nature of the insurgency.

    Contrast: far fewer U.S. casualties than in Vietnam.

  2. in both wars innocent peoples are killed by USA army

  3. It's a question of motive:

    The Vietnam war was a war of ideology:  Communism v. Democracy.

    Several US Presidents were involved and made the same stay in the war.  The world was watching.  The Presidents and respective congresses decided to stay in the war because the rest of the world was determining if we were allies "worth having."   Would we fight for them?

    We were afraid of escalating the war into a full blown WWIII.  So we fought only a partial war.

    (As a soldier of that was difficult coming home.  The US soldier wasn't appreciated by his own country.  Many of us even today greet each other with "Welcome Home"...because we weren't that greeting by our own people).

    Iraq is a little different.  It's a war of ideology.  It's also a stage to see if the US is an ally worth having.

    The difference is:  Today our Congress at least gives lip service support to our own soldiers and encourage that lip service in others.  But in the middle east, many of the governments that sponsor terror are non democratic.  Most of the people are not fanatic nut jobs, they're people that just want to live their lives.  They are driven to extremes by kingdoms, and autocracies.  A democracy smack in the middle of the lot...well the world is a stage...if a democracy can be established there...the other countries...may (and will) in time follow.  Should that happen,  the whole region would cease being the hot spot it always has been.  In the long would save American lives.

    However, like Vietnam, there are those that don't support it.  They either don't understand the larger implications, or they just oppose the war for war's sake.

    The Iraq war protests are very mild compared to the Vietnam.

  4. sounds like this summer assignment i have to do....

  5. they are wars and vietnamese are lighter colored in their skin.

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