
Commuters from Monmouth County, NJ to NYC or Philadelphia - what are the best public transportation options?

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I may have to work in NYC or Philly. I've been to Philadelphia once in my life, but it's a good-sized city and there must be public transportation to and from there, and within the downtown area itself. Is train better? Buses? Is there a price break for commuters? Inside Philly, how good is the local transportation.

I'd prefer a train if possible (easier to use my laptop) but I'll do what's necessary.

I know Manhattan well, so I know how to get around there, but the only time I went to Philly I was 9 years old, and obviously I didn't travel much locally. (I think we were there for a wedding.)





  1. hitch a ride on Terrell Owens.  

  2. SEPTA is Philly's transit system.  They serve some parts of NJ as well.  Look up their website.   If they don't go to where you are, check New Jersey Transit.

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