
Cherry Chocolate Chip Cake, Or Fruit Cake?

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Cherry Chocolate Chip Cake, Or Fruit Cake?




  1. cherry chocolate chip cake minus the cherry part

  2. Fruit cake yummy

  3. Cherry chocolate chip

  4. cherry chocolate chip cake

    have you had cherry chocolate chip ice cream? yummm

  5. Cherry Chocolates Chip Cake

  6. Is that a trick question? [looks around nervously and darts behind the nearest fern tree]

  7. Cherry Chocolate Chip Cake

  8. I'm Neil Diamond I'm going to pick Cherry..Cherry!

  9. Cherry Chocolate Chip Cake sounds delightful

  10. Cherry Chocolate Chip cake  ( Hate fruit cake)  !


  11. I don't like chocolate chips in cake.. or pancakes.. or muffins. So.. I guess  I'll have the Fruit Cake. Sighhh.

  12. mmm cherry choco chip YUM!

  13. i never had C.C.C.C. before, but i would try it, because i know what a fruit cake is and nobody i know eats those things

  14. cherry chocolate chip cake!!.......if it has lots of sugar,im in!

  15. Cherry Chocolate Chip Cake, where can I buy some? It's too hot to bake here.

  16. Fruit Cake.

  17. Cherry Chocolate Chip Cake sounds amazing right now. :)

  18. as soon as i saw CHOCOLATE, that got my vote!!

  19. Cherry Choc Chip cake by far.

  20. Cherry Chocolate Chip Cake.

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