
Can you own a bear, and wouldnt you want to

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Is it possible to have a pet bear? Also are they kind of like dogs where if you have them from a baby you can domesticate them or would they just like eat you (i know they don't intentionally eat humans *Cough* unless there polar bears *Cough) once they got big enough.

Also would that be illegal?




  1. yeah its illegal

  2. Owning and harboring a wild animal is illegal, and no I wouldn't want a bear.  They would need a lot of room, a lot of food, and they would be really boring during the winter.

  3. yeah you can if you have a license.

  4. illigal plus indangerd

  5. no...stuffed bears make great pets and last time i checked the werent illegal and they were bears

    arent i smart!!!

    star 4 u!!!

  6. i was watching ellen just the other day and they had a domesticated bear on the show.

    the trainer said he was only for show and they did not play or anything because there was a case when a guy had one and they were playing and the bear got out of hand and killed him

    they dont know anybetter so it wouldnt be a good idea  

  7. I don't think it's ok, and the bear probably wouldn't really like it.

    It's good that you like bears though - I do too!


  8. No, it would be illegal. You need a permit. Plus, even when they are tame, they can still turn back to their instincts and eat you. It happens often with big animals.

  9. its a federall offense, no i wouldnt want 2

  10. Probably you would need to have a license and training on how to care for it. It would be very expensive to feed the bear and he would need exercise.

    Still I would love to drive around with one in an ice cream truck like Borat in the movie did. That was the best part of the movie.

  11. I highly doubt that a bear would be given out for ownership unless the owner has had plenty of experience around bears and knows his/her way around them, has proper land (we're talking acres here) and consents to multiple check-ups.

    However, I do know you can adopt/sponsor a bear/bears at zoos. I saw a plaque and the cost was $5,000<. You get to dish out the mula and have someone else take on all that responsibiliity! Yay! Ha ha.

    If you (personally) want to hang out with a bear, try volunteering at your local zoo (if there are bears at your zoo.) I know my local zoo takes volunteers starting at 14 HOWEVER before you can so much as pet an animal you have to do a year (or so) of labor work such as cleaning out pens, sweeping sidewalks, and all sorts of amusing things. It might be worth it if you really want that sort of experience, however.

    -Ali :-D

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