
Can you give me some helpful advice about my 9 yr old son?

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This is my sons first year in football. He is having trouble with the tackling aspect of the game! He just cant seem to get it right which makes him frustrated.I tell him he has to practice and he will get better, I also tell him that he does not have to continue to play if he doesnt want to. I want him to have fun but right now it seems he frustrated. What more can i do or say?




  1. Don't just tell him to practice - go outside with him.  And be sure you tell him YOU believe he will be a great player.

  2. Tell him to dive at the hips of the person he is tackling or at theirknees.The hips are the center of balance and with both knees tied up it is hard to run.

  3. tell him it's all about feeling confident. If he doesn't believe in himself then he won't do well. If he believes in himself he will. I tried this approach with my 8 yr ols when he was learing to skateboard and wanted to try a ramp but when he did he kept falling and getting frustrated.  could tell he looked nervous on the ramp so I told him he just has to believe he can do it and then he can. He has to have the confidence in himself. So he built up that nerve and tried again and he did it! He made it down and was so proud of himself and he told me "I just believed in myself and I did it!"

    Tell him to go straight for the legs. That's what my son's coach used to tell the kids on his team when he played.  

  4. you have done and said the right thing so far, just keep it up..

    If he just started the season, then he will learn as the practices go by. he is only 9 right now, so experience will come. if he dosnt want to quit, thats a good thing, it means he is enjoying it regardless of his frustration... Learning all the fundimentals of football will come. maybe put some football games on the tv, so he can see the game in action...dont force to much on the issue, that is what the coach is for, but so far you have done right.

  5. i used to get really frusterated like that when i started playing softball i still do ocasionally its just that we want to do good and when we dont were hard on ourselves and it doesnt help and when the coach changes positons it makes us even more frusterated cuz we feel like were letting our team down just remind him that hes your football star and ur his #1 fan and practice makes perfect and stuff like that

  6. Talk to his dad.  My stepson get frustrated bowling and his dad is the only one who will and can get on him for his anger.  He will mellow out fast.  I try to talk to him but doesn't always work.  

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