
Can you cancel a accepted place at uni and defer it this close to the start of the academic year?

by  |  earlier

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I'm only wondering this since ive been offered a job abroad for a year and would like to take this opportunity but have already been granted a place at uni with accommodation etc and applied for student finance aid




  1. talk to the registar and ask to take the semester my univ its called withdrawing but you have to fill out the forms there (dont know if your close to your school or not) and then remember to registar for the next time you plan to go back

  2. Yes, if you haven't registered.  You will only lose the money that you used to apply.  I'm not sure about the defferment of admision, but I'm sure if you contact the admissions office you can find that out.

  3. I'm not sure if you can defer but you can cancel, make sure to call.

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