
Can you afford an apartment without going to college?

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I'm not really planning on going to college, but if i just had a job could i still make a livng by having an apartment?




  1. Out of the 50 apartments units we own, probably about 25 to 30 have a college degree.  The rest just have regular jobs...from bartender to store clerk to car salesman, and they pay their rent just as on time as the ones that attended college.  I have a cousin who's daughter owes $90,000 on a college loan right now.  She will be paying on it in to her 50's.  She is very broke, and lives with her parents because she can't afford to pay rent, for how long....I don't know?  College is great, if you can afford it, but you don't need a college degree to be successful financially.  My brother has never gone to college, owns his own house free and clear, has 2 cars, and is retired at age 55, and probably makes over $100,000 a year, and NO SCHOOL LOANS!  He is doing better than I am with a Masters Degree, and I am still paying on my loans for many more years.  

  2. I am working in an Engineering Consulting firm.  We have three people with PhD and one with Dr. Sc degree.  None of them make over $100K per year.  None of them own a house.

    We are make less than a auto-mechanics or realtors.


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

  4. h**l no.

    you make 50% less money without a college degree.

    even ppl with college degrees cant afford an apartment.

    do you think you will if you worked at mcdonlads? i think not.

    be smart and go to college.

    dont regret your decision by not going to college

  5. Of course but not at first. You'll have to work your way up. For example in a restaurant:

    Cleaning the dishes

    Going behind the till

    Going behind the bar

    Working in the same place for at least a year

    Moving onto the next restaurant, a better one

    Being promoted because of constant hard work

    Then if you keep at it, for at least 5 years

    You'll become a very rich manager if you've got what it takes.

  6. Well, since only about 25-30% of the adult U.S. population has a college degree, that should answer your question.  In other words, the majority of people do not have a college education and yet manage to rent apartments, own homes, have cars, etc.  If you have the means to further your education, then by all means do so.  You can most certainly increase your income-earning potential that way.  But if you can't or don't wish to go to college, yes, you can still make a living in the world.  There are millionaires who don't have college degrees.  There are also people who do have college degrees working at fast food restaurants.  Your success depends not only on knowledge, but more importantly, what you DO with your knowledge.

  7. Your rent/mortgage should be one-third of your gross income.  Once you get a job look for apartments that would fit this price range.

  8. Don't believe the hype that you MUST go to college. College can open a lot of doors for you. I have four grown sons none of which has a college degree. Only one has any college and he got his LPN and makes very good money, another son makes $100K a year and another one makes $80K a year with no college at all. One son did not graduate from high school (in fact two of them quit high school) but is a successful businessman owning his own sign business. This is his second business.

    They are all well adjusted men with good marriages and the only one who does not own his own house is the one with the most formal education!

    What really counts is a good work ethic and although the lack of a degree will shut doors for you it doesn't mean that you cannot be successful in life. There are many jobs and opportunities that do not require a college education.

  9. You will stuck in an apartment for your life time.   But if this is your choice, good luck with that.  I wish you a happy, joyful renters life.

    Most renters are uneducated, you will not have a hard time.

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