
Can some please please please please please please please please please please help me!!!???

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my sister thinks shes not gonna be a good mom and ceeps going on about every thing shes all read doign wrong(her son and daughter are 3)they are both great kids but are used to getting what they when they dont get it they cick,scream, ect

im getting sick and tired of it(she lives with me) at night i cant sleep becuase of the screaming and crying and i wake up to them jumping all over me.And at breakfast my sister is treated like a short order cook and usually doesent eat any of he meal for that reason.

AND when we go out they demand to get there way





  1. two words

    time out



    sent 2 room

    military school (jk)

  2. lloll call nanny 9-1-1

  3. hey... firstly, ur sister could prob do with help from you or ur parents etc....

    the naughty step is a good idea, and use sweets (candy) as a treat if they do something good... so say, get them to tidy their toys away and after they get a chocolate bar or lollipop etc..

    if the kids scream when they dont get what they want, she should walk off and ignore them, if they have no-one watching them crying then they will realise they are getting no attention from it... and will stop.

    if the kids dont sleep at night, maybe she should try making them tired.. take them to the park, kick a ball around and make them tired

    kids should have an hour quiet time before they go to bed, like watching a dvd, reading books, cuddles, bath time etc...

    look up supernanny and see if the website has any tips on discipline!!

  4. She really needs to take control, this means no giving in when they scream, kick and cry. Don't allow them to jump all over you, lock them out, punish them.

    And by the way let them know your house is a dictatorship- NOT a democracy! lol

  5. Ditch the kids and go to Vegas!

  6. wow...

    um nanny911????

    idk im not a parent and the kids i babysit listen to me.

    good luck

    hope you get more sleep in the near future!!

  7. If your sister doesn't see her spoiled children as a problem, that is HER problem.

    You however don't need to deal with the problem. Tell your sister you would apperciate her keeping the children out of your room!

  8. well.......if it is your house set some GROUND RULES tell them that they need to behave and its not all about them and getting there ways ..............TELL THEM TO STOP

    i would get nanny 911

    that will really straiten the kids out

    and it sorta sounds like you need a trip go to a place far  a way from the kids !!

    good luck

  9. Mabye you should have a talk with your sister, and if she doesn't listen then you take control and if the children pull that "Your not my mom!" thing say "Well I'm your aunt and thats good enough." If they say "I WANNA GO TO MC DONALDS!" and cry about it say "We can't eat out every time we go to town" its really not healthy for them to be doing this expecilly when they're three years old so someone needs to take action here! This is what my mom told me when I was little there are two actions in each group, the person who pays the bills with their money gets to say when we eat out ect. the person who gets to play video games gets to get bossed around. So who pays the bills? You and your sister so you get your "privlege" Who sits around and plays games?  The kids so they get their extra responsibility.

  10. your sister is not a "bad" mom.......she just needs to get a hold of things NOW!!!!! she will need help and encouragement during this   :)     she needs to set some rules....WRITTEN RULES posted where they can be seen and followed......she has to be CONSISTENT........and needs to remember that she is the grown up and deserves respect of her kids......positive attention gets positive responses.....negative attention gets negative responses....*****Always PRAISE good behavior*****

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