
Can i get herpes from a cold sore through oral s*x if the one giving oral doesnt have a cold sore at the time?

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Can i get herpes from a cold sore through oral s*x if the one giving oral doesnt have a cold sore at the time?




  1. The way I understand it is that if someone has a visible cold sore, yes it can be spread.

    It can also be spread at any time during the cold sore life cycle, so even at the very beginning when there's no blister, but just a slight tingling feeling, it may be able to spread. It's a lot less likely to transmit than a visible cold sore, but still possible. Unfortunately, many people don't realize  this tingling feeling as the beginnings of a cold sore, and it goes unnoticed.

    For the most part, it can't be spread when symptoms aren't present. There is something called asymptomatic shedding, where the person doesn't have any symptoms, but the virus is there, which means a possibility of transmission.

  2. Yes. Rubbing irritates the sensitive nerve endings near the skin's surface. Your partner can cause an eruption that would show up later on the both of you.

  3. No and I can't imagine why you would think so.  A cold sore is known as Herpes Simplex.  It isn't easily transmitted even through kissing.  But if the giver of oral s*x doesn't have it why would you think you would get it??

  4. yes its possible but when there are no sores then the virus is less contagious but there is still a small chance of it being passed on even when there are no sores. there is less then a 10% chance of oral herpes being passed on while there are no sores.

    but oral herpes can be transferred to the genitals by giving or receiving oral s*x. that happened to me as well (from my bfs healing cold sore) so its possible.

  5. Yes, you definitely can.  It is unlikely if your partner does not have an active cold sore at the time, but it is possible.  And if that happened you would then have genital herpes, so be very careful.  Here is some information for your partner, which may help him, and you:

    Many of us already have the cold sore virus dormant in our bodies, and never have a flare up of cold sores.  We contracted it as children, as it is a very common virus, and children pick it up easily as they often share food and drinks, and may be less concerned about hand washing and hygiene.   Cold sores can be transmitted even when the person does not have a cold sore, though it is less likely to happen then.  

    There is no over-the-counter medication or home remedy that cures cold sores.  Only time will take care of that.  But there is a good prescription medication for cold sores.  It will make them go away much faster, and as a result of taking this medication you will have far fewer outbreaks of cold sores.

    The absolute best treatment for cold sores is a prescription medication in pill form called Valtrex.  It was intended for genital herpes, but cold sores are caused by the same family of viruses, and Valtrex stops colds sores in their tracks.  None of the other treatments come close to the effectiveness of Valtrex, not the ointment Zovirax, and certainly not Abreva or anything else.  Ask your doctor about it to see if you would be a good candidate for this medication.  My doctor prescribed it for me for cold sores about five years ago and after taking it only a couple of times I hardly ever get a cold sore any more, and before Valtrex I was having several attacks a year.  On the rare occasions that I do get one now, it is gone almost immediately when I take the medication - in about a day.    In the meantime, here are a couple of informative links.

  6. Yes and it happened to me, when my boyfriend gave me oral s*x.

    He gets cold sores now and then but did nothave one at the time.

    Nor was he just getting one, or recovering from one, or experiencing prodrome (warning) symptoms.

    He just plain did NOT have any symptoms, and he still infected me - about the 5th or 6th time he ever gave me oral s*x - which was 7 years into our relationship since, ironically, he was so worried about giving me genital herpes from his cold sores that he avoided contact.

    Happens a lot - in some parts of the world hsv-1 the 'oral' herpes virus causes 90% of genital herpes infections - it is happy to spread to the genitals. In the US among new cases in young people it accounts for 70% of infections, usually passed from the mouth.

  7. The short answer is Yes.  It is unlikely, but quite possible.  It breaks down like this.

    Cold sores are oral herpes.  And you can get herpes on either your mouth or your genitals.   There is one type of herpes (HSV1) that "prefers" your mouth - but you can still get it on your genitals.

    Herpes is ALWAYS contagious when you have an outbreak.  With oral herpes, that would be a cold sore.   Herpes is sometimes contagious when you do NOT have a cold sore - but only sometimes.  Maybe as much as 5% or 10% of the time, maybe much much less than that - it varies from person to person.   These periods where you are contagious, but don't show symptoms, are called "asymptomatic shedding" or "viral shedding."  

    For lots more RELIABLE information on oral herpes (and genital herpes, for that matter), I recommend the website below.  

    Good luck.

  8. yup

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