
Can I use old editions of textbooks for my Masters Degree?

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I'm tired of dropping $75 bucks a book for my Masters Degree.

Should I just check out the library edition which is like 10 years older.

This is for an Administration and Policy class.

Please give me some help, and insight, and answers.





  1. Why not frnd u can use but be carefull while taking the old edition books

  2. I am in your shoes. I feel your pain.

    I recommend you go on, plug in your ISBN; you will find tons of great price for your text book (used or new).  

    Surely, you need the most updated and latest information for your course (as instructor recommends) to keep up with the most current events.

    I feel you has come this far for your education and spending the money for the latest textbook edition "new or used" is absolutely necessary and worth it.

    Hope it helps.


  3. If it is relevant then go for it, or place an ad and see if it attracts some interest from other Masters graduates that might be willing to let you have there copy for a knock down price. If you don't ask, you don't get.

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