
Can I travel from Sydney to Melbourne by bus?If so what bus company serves the areas?

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Im a tourist who wants to visit these two lovely but quite expensive cities so I dont wanna spend alot in my transpo like taking the plane.




  1. How much time do you have?

    By bus it can take a few days, but you will see everything while on the way there.There are cheap airlines, and it will take you probably 45 mins or an hour to get to melb from sydney

  2. haha!

    ok, if you really want to go by bus, then go to

    but to be fair, flying can be just as cheap s the bus, sometimes cheaper!

    flights from Melbounre to Sydney leave nearly every 30 minutes.

    the only option from Melbourne City is Virgin Blue. They do flight from as low as $80.

    But if you do want to pay a little extra and get some half decent service, then take qantas from as little as $115.

    Jetstar flies to Sydney from Avalon, thats a 40min bus from Melbourne CBD.

  3. Of course.....Greyhound.....

    Often tho it is just as cheap, if not cheaper to go on budget airlines like Virgin Blue and Jet Star than a bus anyhow.....

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