
Can I set up a charity or non-profit if I just raise money for other non-profits by offering a service?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, basically, I want to put up a website. On this website, I advertise a service. If people want to use my service, they have to donate money to a non-profit like the Red Cross (so I basically don't get paid a thing).

Can I set up a charity / non-profit for what I'm doing? Or am I just a simple fund raiser?




  1. You probably can set up a website to do this, but it would be easier to volunteer your time and talents to do some fundraising for the Red Cross in your local area.

  2. If you're not profiting from the website (you can make an income, just not profits above a certain amount), then it sounds like you could set it up as a non-profit. Give it a try. If you're rejected, they will tell you what you need to change for your company to be a non-profit.

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