
Can I lose weight by weight lifting alone?

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I have bad knees so I have a really hard time running (cardio). Right now I'm 173lbs, 5'9 and roughly at 19% body fat. Looking at me you'd never think I'm fat but I hide it well. I have a nice fat tire that I want to get rid off.

I've hit the gym pretty hard lately. For the past 4 months or so I've been really good but I'm not seeing the results I want.

Is there any tips that might help for me?




  1. You'll lose fat and gain muscle. There's a chance you'll gain weight, but it's not weight that matters, it's the percentage of fat versus muscle. It'll be good for you.

  2. If you can't do as well in working out, there are other solutions.

    A.K.A.  Food nutrition.

    1.  If you usually drink lots of regular sodas every day, drink diet or don't drink any at all.  Its all bad for you.

    2.  If you can't run, take daily walks.  

    3.  Instead of running, you could do things like swimming, biking, or dancing.  Maybe even jump roping.

    4.  USE A FOOD JOURNAL!!!  Thats really the best trick to losing weight.  It will keep you from night snacking and eating unhealthy things.  It always works.  In that journal, you may want to also right down the fat and calories of what you eat.  

    5.  Go to and that place will tell you the nutrition facts about eveything.

    6.  If you can afford it and you have a Wii, get Wii Fit.  Its truly amazing. You can go on jogs on a trail, do yoga, strengthtraining like pushups and situps, and balance games.  It weighs you and tells you your BMI and records your progress. Its amazing.

    7.  Set goals for yourself.  You can achieve anything.

    This has all worked for me.  I hope it will work for you!

  3. you can definitely burn fat lifting. In fact, running burns less calories than walking fast, or using the stair master because your heart goes into muscle building mode instead of cardio when your heart rate is up that much. So i would suggest still doing some cardio but just try's better for your joints and burns more calories! good luck!

  4. If you have bad knees try swimming as it is does not put pressure on your knees. This will allow you to burn more calories without hurting yourself. Also if you lift the right weight such as small ones and do many repetitions so that you are working on endurance you can lose weight but you will be able to lose weight more quickly and effectively by swimming. Gud Luck

  5. Continue doing weights as the more muscle you have the more calories you burn off when you are resting. Try to do some cardio that isn't high impact such as cycling or using a cross-trainer.  

  6. Fat is burned off through keeping your heart rate up at 60-65% for long periods of time. Cardio just happens to be the easiest was to do this. Weight lifting is performed for short segments of time with rest between set. This makes it difficult to maintain your heart rate at the level need to burn the fat.  Your posting does not tell me why you don’t want to do the cardio.

    Here are some ideas I have about your knees and other forms of cardio that my work for you.

    Biking is good for conditioning or physical fitness  in that gets the heart rate up without the pounding on your legs. The drawback is that it only works the muscles in the legs  Running is a whole body exercise meaning that it works the upper and lower body.  

    The pounding of running is usually associated with long distance running on street or on a treadmill.

    However, research has shown that it is not the activity of running that pounds the leg or makes your joints sore, but rather the surface you run on (i.e. l streets and sidewalks).

    However running on dirt roads will save your legs from all this abuse and extend the life of your running shoes. The reason for this is that when you run on a soft surface such as dirt 50% of the impact from slamming your leg is transferred into the ground.

    Deep Water Running(DWR)/Aerobics:

    About ten years ago runners started running in deep end of pools, what is now called Deep Water Running, so that can get their runs in while injured without the high impact of running on hard surfaces that could worsen their injuries.

    Overall it really depend on what it is you are looking to get out of your workout. If your just looking to get some cardio in then biking is great for of exercise. Because I am now in my early 40s, I do lot so spinning (biking classes) about 3 days per week. When combined with my runs (at least 4hours latter that same day) I am able to maintain my level of fitness that is acceptable to me for upcoming road race and works with my schedule of family responsibilities.

    Power Walking the Marathon:  

    I have found that by joining some kind of group that I am more likely to do the cardio consistently. This is because people from the group will hold you accountable.  Also running and Power walking are great whole-body workouts (upper and lower body) and very social orientated activities.  In fact, the majority of the people who run in these charity marathon training groups are doing it for a fun form of exercise, and socialization.  Most of these runners are females who run-walk for 26.6 miles. As a result, they looking to socialize with someone along the way, making it a great opportunity to I meet people.

  7. You can loose some fat and gain mussle that way but you should do more exercise and eat healthy if you want a more drastic change.  If you have bad knees try swiming that is no impact exercise.  

  8. Your waist to hip ratio is one of the most important indicator of your health if you are a woman.  If you are 5'9'', then you are 69 inches tall.  Your hips should be 1/2 of your height, which would be 34.5 in.  Your waist should be 1/3 of your height which is 23 inches.  Of course, this is the ideal and not everybody is built the same and not everyone will reach this level of fitness.

    The ratio of measurements above is more important than weight.  You will actually gain weight if you gain muscle. So try to concentrate on the measurements, not the weight.

    Try concentrating on your core excercises to "deflate" your tire.

    This means lower and middle back and abs.

    In my opinion, eating healthy has more to do with weight loss than excercise.  However, excercise works in conjunction with diet for weight loss.

    Portion control is the most important part of a diet.  Also, the more vegetables and fruit and less meat, dairy, and sugar you eat the better.

    For low impact cardio, try swimming or water aerobics.

  9. Muscle weighs more than fat so you will GAIN weight.. but you will get more toned and loose fat %

  10. Top Secrets On How To Lose Weight Quickly Revealed!

    How can you lose your weight quickly and permanently? Are you worried about taking drugs to achieve weight loss? Or do you eat less and exercise more but still find yourself stuck at the same weight?

    Finally, the top 5 secrets to losing fat quickly have been revealed:

    Secret #1 – Do not engage in moderate exercise. Your appetite will increase immediately after your exercise. You are not burning much fat, but burning your carbohydrates mostly. You are also building up muscles and muscles are 22% heavier.

    Secret #2 – Do not engage in vigorous exercise. Your appetite will decrease immediately after, but will increase the next 3-5 days. You are burning 0% fat, and burning 100% carbohydrates!

    Secret #3 – To burn those fats quickly, you should do light activity like walking, household chores, grocery shopping, carrying an infant, or even walking up stairs. Though light activity, you will lose 30-60% fat. Not bad!

    Secret #4 – Drink sufficient water for your weight to reduce water retention and remove toxic waste. How much to drink? Drink half of your body weight (measured in pounds) in ounces. 1 glass is about 8 ounces.

    Secret #5 – Reduce your daily calorie intake. Every 500kcal you reduce a day will help you to lose 1.1 pounds or 0.5 kg a week. So have a diet plan that focus on food nutrition and regular meals.

    Follow these 5 secret tips and you will be on your way to burn that fat and lose weight permanently, without any drugs or supplements!

    For more weight loss secrets of bodybuilders and fitness models, visit

  11. the diet ultimately determines the level of body fat, proper exercise will only expedite the fat loss process.  the best training routine will result in minimal results with a poor diet.  the diet has a much greater effect on the endocrine system than does exercise.  you have to consume plenty of low GI foods in the diet.  there is so much more to fat loss than simply cals in vs. cals out.

  12. You should give this product a shot. It's called Acai Berry and it's new on the market, but already endorsed by people like Oprah! I just ordered a free 14-day trial from this site.. do it today! you won't regret it!

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