
Can I collect CA Unemployment Ins and go to school full time

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I am planning on attending school full time. Part of the time at a Univ. and part at a JC. I am still looking for a job but havent found anything yet. Been unemployed for 10 months and have been barely scraping by on a part time job. CA EED offered to renew my benefits as of July 12th, 2008. I am considering taking the plunge with full time school. But can I do both? I am not going for a degree but doing some med pre reqs.

Can people go to college or JC full time and collect UI insurance?

Should I forget it and just continue going full time?




  1. There is a program called Training Benefits where you can go to school full-time, without looking for work & get benefits, if you meet certain criteria. Here is a link to the info on it

    Is there a Worker Retraining office or equivalent at your school? They will be able to help you file paperwork, etc.

  2. One of the requirements for CA unemployment is making yourself available for work.  You must also actively search for work each week, which might be hard to do if you're enrolled in school full time.  

    To make sure, it wouldn't hurt to give EDD a call 1-800-300-5616


    I'm on CA unemployment too, but I want to attend nursing classes full time... I'm in the same boat as you!

  3. No.  If you enroll in school the unemployment office sees it as you not looking for work and looking for work is part of your agreement to keep getting unemployment so they will cut you off.

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