
Buisness Names for mom and daughter?

by  |  earlier

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me and my mom are starting a etiquette buisness which is a buisness where you teach kids manners [ i.e. how to eat properly, when on a date how to be a gentlemen, how to act in public,etc.] we need a buisness name!!! im the daughter and my name is sydney and my moms is stacey!! whats a good name?? [the range is middle and high school]




  1. The Double S CO.

  2. S&  (.com)

    S&  (better choice)

  3. "me and my mom are starting a etiquette business "

    I hope grammar is not one of the things you will teach.

    Appropriate:  My Mom and I are starting an etiquette business.

  4. Socializing with Sydney & Stacy - Etiquette & Advise . Perfectectly Elequint Etiquette - Perfection Partners -specializing in Etiquette for the young. It goes on... Stacy & Syndey Socials ..... Good luck. One of the top 5 online businesses to start this year is; Informational Marketing! Good Idea and Good luck.

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