
Blue ringed octopus in Great Barrier Reef?

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My dad told me that they have a poison that makes you seem dead while you're really paralyzed and conscious. Is that true?




  1. I am pretty sure they are more southern creatures.  They toxins in the little pretty things (like the size you BBQ that any regular fish shop sells as baby octopus and smaller) kills you by paralysing you, it stops your heart, and then you die because your heart isn't beating any more.  Beware the Box Jellyfish, google that little nasty, and the Iricanji (Irikangi) spelling? they are in northern waters and are the size of a thumbnail with a few bits of vermicelli dangling off the bottom and those things can kill you as well and you can't even see the little blighters!

  2. Nope, they kill you.

  3. No, I'm pretty sure they kill you.

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