
Blood donation do they check your B12 levels?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know if when you give blood if your B12 levels are checked, i gave blood for the first time a week ago, they put some of my blood in this liquid and it didnt sink, they did it again and it still didnt sink, so they checked my iron levels on another machine and i was fine, so i gave blood, i havent been right since, i have suspected for a while my B12 could be low (runs in family) but my GP ignores my request for a blood test. I was just wondering if they check B12 as well as iron before you give blood, any advice would be welcome.




  1. I have given at least 5 gallons and am not aware that they have ever checked my B12.  They do check for iron (too little iron and you should not give because it is not right for you or for a patient who may receive the blood.).  Their checks are thorough and there is no reason to believe that having passed their checks you will be harmed.  After a first donation (by the way congratulations!) you may imagine affects that won't repeat in the future.  You can make up the lost fluid quickly by drinking extra water, etc. and your body will quickly detect that you need more blood cells that are soon added.  If you have a concern regarding B12 check with a pharmacist for a daily vitamin supplement that provides you with enough B12 and other minerals and vitamins that will help if there is any gap in your regular diet.

  2. According to the information i got from this site, they dont check B12 levels in donor's blood. but i suggest you to either take your daily multi vitamin or to ask your healthcare provider;

    Donor safety

    The donor is also examined and asked specific questions about their medical history to make sure that donating blood isn't hazardous to their health. The donor's hematocrit or hemoglobin level is tested to make sure that the loss of blood will not make them anemic, and this check is the most common reason that a donor is ineligible.

    Pulse, blood pressure, and body temperature are also evaluated. Elderly donors are sometimes also deferred on age alone because of health concerns.The safety of donating blood during pregnancy has not been studied thoroughly and pregnant women are usually deferred.

  3. I can tell you for certain that they do not check for B 12  levels at all with Blood Donations they check for various things including sexual disease all of which are routine but not B 12

  4. No they don't check. B12 is produced by the bacteria in the large intestine so if the blood you donated got given to an other wise healthy person then they would be able to produce their own B12 therefore it would be irrelevant whether your's was low or not.

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