
Biological Parents Petition: Adopted Child

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This is a very interesting case.

My wife was adopted in the Philippines by her Aunt, a US citizen, thinking that she will be petitioned and moved to the US, but it did not happen, the US government did not recognize/approved the adoption for the reason that the adoption process was not followed, etc.. The adoption took place in the Philippines, processed, new birth certificate was given, in short, all the papers are "new" and legal in the Philippines.

Time past and my wife became a nurse, got a work here in the US(LPR) and soon to be a citizen. All the papers submitted to the embassy was the adoption papers like birth certificate and she used her aunt as her mother in all the papers she signed here( SSN, Insurance Etc.).

Now, she is planning to petition her biological mother, is it possible? is there any other way she can petition her biological mother? She wanted her mother to stay here permanently.

Thanks and God Bless.





  1. Is this a new way of becoming a USA Citizen?  Wonder if Obama's grand mother did the same thing.?  You can not flip flop.  What is your part in this marriage?  

  2. No, I do not believe this is possible since she is now her, legally, her aunt's child.  I believe the biological mother gave all rights up when she allowed the adoption to go thru, including any citizenship in the U. S. of A. possibilities thru her.

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