
Best way to comfort a dying hamster?

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okay. i know shes dying. shes all skin and bones, very wobbly, and sleeps all the time. its a uti killing her. shes on medication and ive been giving her water and food, but shes just getting weak. whats the best way to comfort her?




  1. I'm going to disagree with some of the other respondants....I've been through this multiple times and I don't think the process needs (always) to be fast-forwarded by veterinary euthinasia and I don't think necessarily that you have to avoid all handining. One of the stages of dying involves the animal being unable to warm itself, and I like to offer the animal my own body heat as a comfort. I try not to move the animal about very much (think possible nausea) but letting it sit in a comfortable wrap or something and holding in near you for heat is okay.

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