
Being really skinny makes me looker older?

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A few years back, I was a lot thinner like close to the 90s and people thought I looked 40. When I gained weight, they thought I looked younger. Why do really thin people looker older? OR DO THEY?




  1. umm.they don't. what teenager is REALLy obiece. and that wouldn't make them look younger.

  2. When someone loses a dramatic amount of weight, or is at a very low weight, the body will take fat from places it normally wouldn't. 90 pounds is extremely thin, so my guess is that your body was deprived of energy. At a certain point your body will start taking the baby fat from your face, which can age you a great deal. That's why all anorexics look aged, opposed to normal, healthy people.  

  3. Being thin, in my opinion, sometimes makes people look frail or weak, which might make me think he/she is older even if he/she is healthy. If, when you were thin, you looked frail or sickly, maybe people just assumed you were older because of this. When you gained weight, maybe people thought you looked much healthier than when you were thin. Don't worry, sometimes people just look better with a little more meat on their bones!

  4. lol thats wierd. you would think it would be the opposite way

  5. were they drunk?

  6. wow

    they thought you were 40



    i dont think thinner people look older?

    maybe like 5-10 years

    but not that much

    wait how old are you?

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