
Bad day? so, i walk into the liquor store today.....?

by Guest59656  |  earlier

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..just went to grab a nice import beer off the top shelf in the fridge, tapped the beer next to it which in turn i went to grab it from falling, knocked the beer to the other side and all three went crashing to the floor bringing two other with them on the way down...the beer i was going to buy was $4.25...i hade $30.00 on me and the broken beers came to a total of $29.23. so i left drenched in beer,broke other than my 77 cents and no beer to drink :( ....anyone else have a bad day? please tell me about it.




  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Man, that sucks! If I could buy you a cold one right now I would. Last week I went and bought a $45 bottle of whisky. When I got home and was getting out of the car I f***ing dropped it. I'm a big burley guy and never cry but that day I came close.


  2. Sorry to hear that, but I feel your pain. Although I'm more stressed out with work because i have a boss who is completely ungrateful. My job is as an office manager for her therapy office and yet she has me driving around her poodle to get it groomed, I had to make her breakfast, choose an outfit for her to wear, answer the phones, take in patients, take new referrals, make her coffee, if i step out of the office for 5 seconds i must forward the calls to my phone, she doesn't give me gas money for running around for her, I had to overnight some paperwork to a new insurance company we're taking on out of my pocket AGAIN, and all while hearing her yell at me telling me I never do enough =| and that was only up until noon today! I don't get paid enough for all of this and it's not in my job description. So yesterday when by some miracle I took my 1st lunch break in months, I applied for a new job and got called in for an interview today! So things will get better, i know what I'm telling you! Wishing you the best of luck!

  3. Why would you pay for it? I wouldn't most stores will consider that an accident and write it off

  4. Wow,  that really sucks. Sorry to hear that. My day is going bad too because I am sick yet I am still here at work. I just want to go home and lay down.  

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