
Bad Breath Cure - Simple Home Remedy To Get Rid Of Bad Breath?

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Something that works.




  1. ha chew gum.. mouthwash.

    they both work for me!

  2. toothpaste and toothbrush

  3. Get your teeth cleaned.

  4. gargle with saltwater stop eating garlic and drinking coffee

  5. In addition to normal dental hygiene, try eating some parsley sprigs.  They tend to deodorize your stomach.

  6. Rinsing your mouth with lime juice mixed with water prevents bad breath. It's a simple home remedy that works.

  7. By keeping oral hygenie like brushing, flossing, tongue cleaning can take care of bad breath. If it is really bad then you can use mouth washes. for more information on bad breath you can visit the following link

  8. BRUSH YOUR, TEETH AND GUMS WITH ARM AND HAMMER BAKING SODA(IN THE YELLOW BOX). IIT IF STILL PERSISTS THEN IT MAY BE AN INTERNAL PROBLEM SO GO TO THE DOCTOR.                                                                                         GOOD LUCK!!

  9. brush your tongue when you brush your teeth. it helps.

    so does Listerine  


    mints can work but they dont last long

    for mouthwash look on the bottle for long lasting.

    also, when you brush you teeth make sure you brush your tounge because that is where the bad breath comes from

    hope this helps!

    i had the same problem

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