
Aspect Ratio LCD PLASMA what does it mean ??????

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10000:1 , 2000:1 ,5000:1 what does it mean the bigger the number the better or smaller the number the better ??????




  1. That's the constrast ratio, the higher the better usually.

    It means the darks are darker and the lights are lighter.

  2. You're thinking about Contrast ratio.

  3. An aspect ratio is the ratio between the width and height of a film image. The number denoting width comes first, and the height portion of the aspect ratio is always written as 1. A motion picture's aspect ratio often appears on the back of the DVD or video box. An example would be 1.85:1. This means that the size of the original theatrical presentation of that film is 1.85 times as wide as it is high.

  4. Bigger numbers are actually better...especially with the LCD.

    Another number you should look at is the PLASMA's NATIVE CONTRAST RATIO....that tells you how good the phosphor is on the plasma units....the higher the better....

    Obviously LCDs do not use phosphor, so native contrast is not as important on those....

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